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Lake Meahagh Update, 6/16/20

Release Date: June 16, 2020

Lake Meahagh Update 6/16/2020


Dear Lake Meahagh Resident:

To control the excessive growth of various aquatic weeds, at Lake Meahagh, The Pond Connection was contracted by the Town of Cortlandt to conduct an application of the aquatic herbicide/algaecide Procellacor, Nautique and/or Cutrine Ultra.  A copy of these labels can be found at HTTP://WWW.THEPONDCONNECTION.COM

We anticipate the first Procellacor treatment to occur on Tuesday, June 16, 2020 (WEATHER PERMITTING).  A notice from The Pond Connection will be mailed to waterfront properties in accordance with NYSDEC Guidelines. 

Lake Meahagh and other popular access spots will be posted with signs the day of treatment. 

The water use restrictions associated with use of the above pesticides provided by Manufacturer and Contractor are below:

Swimming and bathing are prohibited for: Day after treatment
Fishing and/or fish consumption is prohibited for: No Restrictions
Livestock watering is prohibited for: No Restrictions
Irrigation or spraying of agricultural crops is prohibited for: Procellacor (only): 1ppb
Use of water for human consumption is prohibited till: Procellacor: 50ppb (above treatment level)
Use of water for domestic purposes is prohibited till: Procellacor: 50ppb (above treatment level)

Human consumption and domestic purposes restriction refers to the water body being used as your primary and sole use of water for drinking and culinary purpose.  Potable water use is not incidental contact with the water such as swallowing a mouthful of water while swimming.

If you wish further information about the treatment, or wish information on the exact dates of the pesticide application, please contact the following: The Pond and Lake Connection, 1112 Federal Road, Brookfield, CT  Name of Contact Person: James Gorman, 845-798-9383

If you would like to Contact the Town of Cortlandt please call 914-734-1060 or 914-734-1067 and ask for Michael or Katie.  You may also email questions to . 

We thank for your patience and understanding.  The goal is to restore Lake Meahagh to its natural beauty. 

Michael Preziosi

Director - Department of Technical Services