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Supervisor's Report

Release Date: March 04, 2016

Supervisor’s Monthly Report
Comments from Town Board Meeting
February 9, 2016

  1. Welcome to our February 9, 2016 Town Board Meeting.  I am Supervisor Linda Puglisi.
  2. Our Town Board members are:  Frank Farrell, Seth Freach, Debra Costello and Richard Becker.
  3. Please rise for the Pledge to the Flag.
  4. Tonight is a very small snowfall compared to our January 22nd blizzard.  It was a Saturday and I want to give special thanks to our town crews: highway, water, sanitation, parks, which were out all throughout that weekend clearing our town roads.  They did a great job and we thank them all on behalf of our community.  Also a thank you to our DES department head, Jeff Coleman, who oversees the work during the storms.  A job well done to all.
  5. Tonight we are honoring a young man who recently became an Eagle Scout, Lawrence Anthony Chiulli III.  Anyone who is a scout or who has become an Eagle Scout knows how difficult it is to reach this very prestigious level in Scouting.  Lawrence is in Boy Scout Troop 174 and attends Croton High School.  His Eagle Scout project was to sound proof the Little Lambs classroom at Grace Lutheran Church located in Yorktown Heights.Lawrence please join me at the podium; The Town of Cortlandt is very proud of your    achievement      and very proud of you. Your proud dad, Larry Chiulli, is present. Congratulations Dad! Lawrence received a proclamation from the Town of Cortlandt.
  6. Tonight we are beginning a new feature at our monthly Town Board meetings to invite members of our various boards, councils and committees, as well as, our town departments for two purposes:  one to thank them for their service to our Cortlandt community and also to allow our residents to meet them.  We are kicking off this new feature with our ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals).  We have a special plaque for Mr. Charlie Heady who has been a ZBA member for 38 years.  David Douglas is the Chairman along with Wai Man Chin (Vice-Chairman), John Mattis, Charles Heady, Raymond Reber, Adrian C. Hunt and James Seirmarco.  Thank you all.
  7. Our town’s Recreation Department, as did Teatown, held an Eagle Fest last weekend at our Cortlandt Waterfront Park.  It was a big success with several eagles joining the festivities and about 200 people just at our event and many more in Teatown. Thank you to our Recreation Staff.
  8. Our Cortlandt Youth Center held an open house on January 30th and the 31st to get new youth to see our wonderful Center, to meet our director and staff and to consider attending this safe Cortlandt Youth Center. Thanks to our director, Katherine Scalfani.
  9. This month we pay tribute to two great American Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Please remember to teach your children how important they were to our nation.  There are many activities in our community.
  10. In closing, our thoughts and prayers go out to a family in our community who lost their home to a fire last Sunday.  I have been in touch with the family to help and neighbors have started a website to contribute to them during this difficult time.  The website is to make donations.
Thank you.
 Linda Puglisi