The Town of Cortlandt is seeking youth ages 14 - 18, to shovel the driveways, pathways and sidewalks for the Town’s Senior Citizens this winter season. Youth will be paid $10.00 per hour. Working papers are required for youth ages 14 -17.
If you are a Senior Citizen in need of this service or you know a Senior in need of this service have them call Becky Ferguson at the Muriel H. Morabito Senior Center at 914-528-8377 for eligibility requirements.

Click here to register online begining, September 5th!

Operation Snowflake (O.S.) Application Procedures for Youth:

  1. Complete the online registration process by Tuesday, October 2nd  

  2. Await the O.S. Packet via the mail (guidelines, contract, voucher, etc.)

  3. Complete all paperwork in the O.S. Packet in its entirety with your parent(s)

  4. Mail-in or drop-off all paperwork from the O.S. Packet by Thursday, November 7th

For more information please contact Lindsey Luposello, at 914-736-0498 or email at
The completed application and packet should be sent or brought to:

Mail-In or Drop-Off at:                                                       
Attention Operation Snowflake                                             
Town of Cortlandt Recreation                                               
1 Heady Street                                                                       
Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567                                                  
Drop Off: M-F 8:30 AM- 4:00 PM     
Drop-Off ONLY at:                                                                                                              
Town of Cortlandt
 Youth & Recreation Center
 3 Memorial Drive
Croton-on-Hudson, NY 10520
Drop Off: M-Th 3:00 PM- 7:00 PM
Fri. 3:00 PM- 8:30 PM
Sat. 1:00 PM- 8:30 PM

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

  1. What paperwork do I need to send back and when? 
    • You must send back the PSA form for 2023 and 2024 (2 papers); as well as the Blue Vouchers (4). These are both so you can get paid for your work! You must send these forms filled out by Thursday, November 4th.
  2. How do I get my working papers?
    • Through your school's guidance department.
  3. I received my completed paperwork email, now what?
    • Wait for it to snow at least 2+ inches. Seniors are instructed to call the youth closest to them on the list. At the first active snowstorm, if a Senior needs you they will call. It is your responsibility to get the Senior’s information to complete the job. 
  4. Should I put my house phone number, cell phone number or parent’s cell phone number on my paperwork?
    • The phone number you put on your paperwork is the phone number which will be given to the Seniors.  You should put whatever phone number(s) you want the Seniors to contact you at. We recommend providing at least 2 phone numbers so the Senior does not have trouble reaching you.
  5. I am out of job completion forms, what should I do?
    • You can get more job completion forms by calling Lindsey at 914-736-0498 or emailing her at 
  6. How do I qualify to be hired as an Operation Snowflake worker? 
    • You must be a town resident, between the ages of 14 – 18, physically capable of shoveling snow, need to be able to get to and from the Senior’s homes after snowstorms, capable of providing your own shovel to use and most importantly you must be a committed, reliable, polite hard worker! Youth ages 14-17 must also provide their working papers. If you have never helped your parents shovel your driveway we suggest you take this winter to volunteer your services to your family to make sure you can commit to the task and enjoy shoveling snow! This is an annual program which provides a necessary service to our town Seniors. There will be plenty of opportunities for you to join in the future. 
  7. One of my parents is a Cortlandt resident, but I don’t live there full time. Can I still sign-up for the program?
    • Yes, although you may not reside in the town you are still considered a resident if your parent is a resident. However, we only encourage you to sign-up if you are sure you will be able to get to and from the Seniors’ homes and you are serious about working hard! 
  8. I did Operation Snowflake last year; do I have to fill out all the paperwork again?
    • Yes, we need to ensure your information has not changed, you still qualify for the program and put you back on our payroll. 
  9. Who should I put down as a reference? 
    • Your reference should NOT be a family member. It can be anyone who can attest that you would be a good fit for the Operation Snowflake program. Examples of references are teachers, coaches, girl/boy scout leaders, bosses, Seniors you shoveled for last season. The purpose of checking references is to ensure you are responsible, physically able to shovel and can communicate well with Seniors. Your references should be able to attest to those skills with examples. 
  10. How does a Senior register for the Operation Snowflake Program?
    • Seniors who are interested in the program must call Becky Ferguson at the Muriel H. Morabito Senior Center at 914-528-8377 to see if they qualify for the program. 
  1. When do I get paid?
    • Once you submit your job completion form, (mail it in or drop it off) we will submit your blue voucher for you to get paid. Checks are cut twice a month; once in the middle of the month and once at the end of the month. Then they are mailed out to you. Sometimes if there is a holiday these dates will be affected. If there is a problem with the amount of your pay or you have not received a paycheck, contact Lindsey at 914-736-0498. 
  2. How much do I get paid?
    • Youth are paid $10 an hour. You can claim a maximum of 2 hours per job but can shovel at multiple locations during one storm. 
  3. I like to shovel with my sibling (or friend). Can we both go to a job and still get paid?
    • Yes, however, if two people go to a job the maximum time you can claim is still two hours between both of you. The Senior must complete a job completion form for both of you with NO MORE than one hour on each. If it is a small storm and there are two of you working it should not take more than 30 minutes, which means the Senior should mark down 15 minutes on both forms. Job completion forms are checked and youth will not be paid if two youth work at the same address and a total of more than two hours is claimed or an hour each is claimed for a small storm. 
  4. If it is a big snow storm can I get paid for more than 2 hours at one location?
    • Yes, we recognize you may not be able to clear 12+ inches of snow all at once. If you know it is going to be a big storm, do not “over-book” yourself and be sure to take breaks. If you have to return to the Senior’s house a few hours later or the next day that is okay. If there is a “dull” in the storm and it is safe to travel we recommend you coordinating with the Senior to go over twice. 
  1. Will I definitely get called to work (shovel) this winter?
    • No, a shoveling job is not guaranteed. You are signing up to make yourself available to the Seniors. The Seniors are responsible for calling and scheduling you when they are in need. We recommend reaching out to your elderly neighbors to make sure they know about the program, tell them you are registered for the program and make sure they know your name! 
  2. A Senior called me to shovel but it only snowed one inch, what do I tell them?
    • Operation Snowflake is only in affect if there is 2+ inches of snow on the ground. If a Senior calls when it is less than that, explain this to them. Inform them if it continues to snow, snows more or snows again to call you back. 
  3. The Senior’s driveway is really long, should I shovel it?
    • Long driveways are against the rules for Operation Snowflake. If a Senior has a significantly long driveway, you should clear the Senior’s walkways, sidewalk or a small walking path. You SHOULD NOT clear the entire driveway.
  4. I shoveled a lot today but another Senior just called and asked me to shovel, can I say no?
    • Yes, you can decline a job. When signing up for the program you are committing to shovel for the Seniors, so we encourage you not to decline jobs. However, if you have had enough for the day, you have the right to decline the job. Inform the Senior to call someone else on the list. 
  5. Can I say no to a job because I don’t feel like it? 
    • When you sign up for the program you are making a commitment to shovel. You are hired to do a job. While you never have to go, we encourage you to keep your commitment and do the job you signed up for. We understand sometimes you can’t get to a job. However, consistently turning down jobs may result in the Seniors not reaching out to you as well as you not being approved to work for the following year. 
  6. A Senior asked me to do other chores around their house and said they will pay me more out of their pocket, can I do this?
    • You should never enter a Senior’s house. You are there to shovel their driveway, walkway or sidewalk (if they are responsible for clearing it). You should not do any other chores for the Senior.
  7. A Senior called me to shovel but it is still snowing, should I shovel twice?
    • No, you should only go to shovel when the storm has stopped and it is safe to travel. 
  8. A Senior called me to shovel before I go to school. Should I go do the job?
    • No, you can go after school to shovel when you have enough time and can complete the job entirely. If school is closed, you can go as soon as it is safe to travel. 
  9. Do I have to bring my own shovel? 
    • Yes, you must bring your own shovel to all of your jobs. 
  10. Can I use a plow or snow blower?
    • No, you cannot use a plow or snow blower; Shovels ONLY!
  11. The Senior asked me to spread salt for them when I am finished shoveling; Should I do it? 
    • Your job responsibility is to shovel for the Senior. If the Senior has salt and asks you to salt it is your choice; however, you should not include it in your hours worked. We cannot pay you for spreading salt. You can only claim the hours which you shoveled. Therefore, if you spread salt for the Senior you will not be paid for that time, but it is a really nice thing to do! 
  12. Can my parent help me shovel?
    • No, this is your job; not your parent’s job! Only accept jobs you know you can do and remember to bring your shovel and Job Completion Form. Your parent’s only responsibility is to drive you to the Senior’s house (if it is not close enough to walk). Your parent can decide if they want to drop you off and come back for you or if they want to wait in the car and enjoy some “quiet time”.