After opening in 1972, Walter Panas High School became the second high school in the Lakeland Central School District.  With many renovations, the high school has transformed and Town of Cortlandt residents are able to benefit from these many positive changes.  Teams from the Cortlandt Youth Basketball League practice and compete in the large, newly refinished gymnasium.  

The building’s surrounding property has also changed with new athletic fields, including restored soccer and ball fields.  In late summer 2005, a multi-sport synthetic field with lighting, bleachers and a press box and new tennis courts were completed.  During the spring, residents can participate in a tennis clinic held at the high school.  Located at 300 Croton Avenue in Cortlandt Manor, during non-school hours, this site offers open space for residents to enjoy a variety of activities, including exercise on the track.  For further information regarding WALTER PANAS HIGH SCHOOL, please visit the school’s website and for information regarding activities and programs by the Town, please contact the TOWN OF CORTLANDT RECREATION DIVISION.


From South

Taconic Pkwy North to Rte 202/35 West exit.  At exit left towards Peekskill, continue 2-3 miles until light at Croton Avenue, left onto Croton Ave. 1-2 miles go to blinking light, turn left; school is after firehouse on left side of road.  

From Rte 9 North

Take Rte 9 to the  Bear Mt. Extension.  Follow to the end and make a left at the light onto Rte 202.  At the first light make a right onto Croton Ave. 1-2 miles go to blinking light, turn left; school is after firehouse on left side of road.