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Town of Cortlandt, NY

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Events Calendar

Adult Volleyball

October 30, 2024*  Note: This event has already passed.

Joe Amarosa, Instructor
A non‐league volleyball program designed for adults. This programs are for fun and exercise. Come out and have a good time!
Course Number: 419‐1F
Location: George Washington Elementary School Gym (3634 Lexington Avenue, Mohegan Lake)
Day/ Dates: Wednesday, starting date: September 18 (8 sessions)
Time: 7:00 PM‐ 9:00 PM
Fee: $35 with ID/$40 without ID/ $48 nonresident

All programs lists here are subject to change and/or cancellation, please visit WWW.TOWNOFCORTLANDT.COM/RECONLINE for the most updated information or call the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department at 914-734-1050.  Program registration begins on Thursday, September 5th at 8:30 AM.