Entergy Announces Security Exercises at Indian Point Energy Center
Buchanan – Entergy will be conducting security training drills at Indian Point Energy Center, beginning this Wednesday, April 22, and at various times over the next several weeks, using simulated weaponry that sounds like gunshots. During the drills, persons near the site may hear the sound of simulated gunfire or other loud noises as participants carry out simulated attack scenarios that are intended to be as realistic as possible.
The training will be followed by an NRC-evaluated force-on-force security exercise that will take place over several days during the week of May 18.
"We are informing the public now about these events so there is no undue alarm caused by what they may hear around the site," Pollock said. Local officials and law enforcement agencies have been informed of the events.
Entergy was among the first nuclear-power sites in the country to participate in a "force-on-force" exercise that the NRC was conducting in 2003 as a pilot project. The NRC was developing at that time an ongoing security program to evaluate security enhancements that were added after 9/11 to protect against an expanded terrorist threat.
"The exercises provide our security team the opportunity to demonstrate to the federal regulator our security and defense capabilities and look for areas to improve," said IPEC site vice president Joe Pollock.
Force-on-force exercises involve attempts to gain access to plants in a simulated terrorist attack, and the response of defending security forces.
Entergy will be using a technical innovation for the exercise known as "MILES" gear, or Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement Systems. Participants using MILES gear are connected wirelessly to a central computer. They use laser "bullets" and vests with laserdetection equipment, and duplicate the effects, including the sound, of live ammunition. The movement and shooting accuracy of the security officers and other exercise data are collected by the computer for analysis. MILES gear is used for military and counterterrorism training across the country to be as realistic as possible without using real bullets.
Entergy's security plan for Indian Point has been praised by top security experts around the country, including the FBI, U.S. Office of Homeland Security, and the New York State Office of Public Security.