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Con Edison Energy Savings On Line Game
Con Edison Launches Interactive Online Game
For Home Energy Savings
NEW YORK – Con Edison wants you to put your ‘green’ knowledge to the test and learn how to save money on your bill by playing the company’s online Power of Green game. The game is a fun, interactive way to learn about all the things you can do to ‘green’ your house or apartment.
While working toward a perfect score, players will learn:
- how to save up to 40 percent of their cooling costs by alternating the use of air conditioners and fans
- how to stop running up their electric bills unnecessarily from chargers for cell phones, MP3 players and laptops
- how to save up to 15 percent on heating bills by lowering the thermostat 10 – 15 degrees for eight hours a day
- how to use 10-50 percent less electricity simply by choosing Energy Star appliances.
Players will go room by room, testing their energy knowledge and earning ‘green points’ while they learn which devices should be unplugged when not in use and how much energy they can save with the right thermostat settings.
“We all want to save money on our energy bills and this game teaches you how to do it,” says Marilyn Caselli, senior vice president of Customer Operations. “Players have the ability to see firsthand how quick and easy it is to go ‘green.’”
To start testing your ‘green’ skills, visit
The Power of Green site, provides more than 100 energy-saving tips, news about the company’s environmental efforts, and links to information about renewable energy and green power. To learn more about going green, find us on Facebook at Power of Green.