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"Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" - Leaf Mulching PSA
Release Date: October 15, 2014
Fall leaf season is almost upon us! We all are well aware of the impacts Fall leaves can have - from leaf removal and disposal to maintaining a clean stormwater system.
What are some of the benefits of mulch mowing?
- Helps reduce the total volume of leaves from being processed through the county organic waste stream.
- Helps create healthier soils in turf areas and provides a source of free mulch for landscape beds.
- Helps keep leaves out of the storm water system and reduces organic pollutants flowing into the bay or river.
Since 2010, an educational program concerning mulch mowing has been developed under the umbrella of “Love ‘Em and Leave ‘Em” (LELE). The target audience is not just municipalities (DPW, Parks Departments), but county-wide residents, professional landscapers and property managers.
In support of this initiative, a 30 second PSA (Public Service Announcement) concerning LELE Mulch Mowing has been produced and released to be freely shown on local cable access, at community events or in other venues. The PSA is geared towards the local homeowner and quickly outlines the benefits of mulch mowing, while creating an atmosphere of ‘feel good’ action addressing environmental concerns.
Visit the Official Website at:
Visit the Official Website at:
for further information on the "Love 'Em and Leave 'Em" initiative.