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A Message from the Cortlandt Town Board: Charlottesville, Virginia
A Message from the Cortlandt Town Board:
"It is with horror, anger and sadness that we watched the events in Charlottesville, Virginia last weekend. As we all attend to our daily lives, our jobs, our children or our aging parents here in the Town of Cortlandt, we tend to forget or ignore that hatred is still present in our Country.
Through the hard work of The Cortlandt Town Board, numerous community groups, and engaged individual residents, Cortlandt is a diverse community. We have families from every part of the world. You can find the full range of political perspectives living here, as well. We cherish this diversity. It is a true strength of our community, and one of the reasons we all choose to live here. We all live together in a peaceful and harmonious community. Certainly, there is always room for improvement. But it is well understood, or should be, that all who have chosen to live in this community should live free of fear for the safety of themselves and their families. There is no place for hatred or bigotry in our Country or region and we, as your Town Board, will do everything we can do to make sure that truth is reality. We welcome and cherish our diversity, and will fight equally hard for the rights of all of our residents."
Cortlandt Town Board
(Linda D. Puglisi, Richard H. Becker, Debra A. Costello, Francis X. Farrell, Seth M. Freach)