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Advertisement for Zoning Board of Appeals
The Town of Cortlandt government will be interviewing interested residents for the Town of Cortlandt Zoning Board of Appeals. The Board conducts public hearings for Area and Use Variances, Interpretations and Special Permit applications and renders decisions. Members are required to attend work sessions and meetings once a month, and perform site inspections as required. There is a required New York State 4 hour per year training program. Any interested residents should send a resume and letter of interest to Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi, Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 or e-mail to The deadline to apply is Friday, January 5, 2018.
Claudia Vahey, Personnel Manager
Town of Cortlandt
(914) 734-1004 Fax: (914)734-1003