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March 3, 9:00AM Nor'easter update
Saturday 3/3/2018, 09:00 update:
Town work crews are out clearing and opening roads. Any downed trees with wires require Con Edison to clear wires before Town crews can remove debris. All locations have been reported to Con Edison. The following 70 roads are currently blocked or partially blocked. There are currently 3,400 homes without power in the Town. The emergency shelter is open at the Muriel Morabito Community Center at 29 Westbrook Drive. We urge residents to report all downed wires and power outages by contacting Con Edison at 1-800-75CONED. Please visit the Town website for additional updates. Thank you and be safe.
Washington St. |
227 Sprout Brook Rd |
354 Alpine Drive |
241 West Avenue |
66 Wharton Drive |
82 Wharton Drive |
Lucs Lane |
Broadway |
74 Locust |
126 Gallows Hill Road/Put Ct Line |
7 Covert St Montrose |
126 Gallows Hill Rod |
Ann Steet - Waterbury |
Albany Post Rd / Doris Lee |
Birch off Westbook |
Broadway at 14th |
#12 Mount airy Road East |
Montrose Stat near Travis |
Washington near Grace |
91 Mt. Airy Road East |
Pamela & Elliot |
Sunset Road |
51 Doris Lee Drive |
5th Street |
116 Paulding Lane |
236 Furnace Dock Rd |
63 Watch Hill Road |
Hale Hallow & Mt. Airy |
Oak Lane and FDR |
Old Crompond entrance to QA |
Laurel Hill Rd/ Angela Dr |
12 John Alexandar Drive |
234 Furnace Dock Road |
12 Jean Drive |
87 Wharton Drive |
18 No. 3rd Street |
10 McGregor |
119 Highland Drive |
250 Furnace Dock Road- Across from FB Drive |
40 McGregor |
264 Furnace Dock road near Furnace Brook |
9TH Street near the Quarry |
99 Old Locust |
24 Brook Lane |
130 Furnace Woods Road Pole #W14 |
9 Pond Road & McGregor Lane |
203 5th Street |
10 Forest Lane |
23 North 2nd Street |
1101 Quaker Bridge Road East |
Ann Steet - Waterbury |
125 Furnace Woods Road & Galloway Hill Pole #W14 |
175 Colbaugh Pond Road |
4 East Causeway |
31 Brook Lane |
Bluestone Lane & No. 4th |