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March 2 2018 Nor'easter Update
A Storm Report from Supervisor Linda Puglisi – March 5, 2018
The aftermath of Friday’s Nor’easter has left our Cortlandt community ravaged with trees and wires down, some flooding by the river shores and as of Sunday 3,700 homes and businesses without power. 49 town roads are either closed or partially closed due to downed trees and wires. On Monday 2,700 homes are still without power.
This number of homes without power is about 20% of our properties in town. In summary, this storm parallels the damage from Hurricane Sandy five years ago. Our town crews have been out around the clock ever since the storm began. Preparation of trucks and equipment began even before the storm hit.
Con Edison is responsible for repairing their power electric wires and for restoring the power. The Town of Cortlandt is not allowed to touch their lines only to work with them to cut down the branches or trees entangled in the wires only when the wires are no longer live.
Our town crews and Director of D.E.S, Jeff Coleman, are working tirelessly to open roads and to clear branches, trees and brush from the roads and wires.
I am in communication with other elected officials at all levels and with Con Edison to assist our community with this massive power outage, including Congresswoman Lowey.
Our Code Red calls give important updates to the community on the storm, its aftermath and the progress. We also put up all messages and updates on our website and facebook pages and will continue to do so.
Be very careful when outdoors. There still may be some live wires on the ground. Please make sure children are not anywhere near leaning trees or branches that are in jeopardy of falling.
The town’s Community Center is open 24 hours for a warming center/shelter. It is located on West Brook Drive, off Route 6.
For emergencies contact 911; for other needed power outage notices contact Con Edison at 1-800-75-Coned or (914) 925-6360 for direct storm questions.
Thank you for your cooperation and patience and we will do everything we can to help you and your families. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family in Putnam Valley who lost their precious little boy when a tree fell on their house during this storm.
Linda Puglisi