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Indian Point Closure Update

Release Date: July 08, 2019


CLOSURE 2020/2021: 



  1. To continue working with the local and New York State task forces.  We have laid out our challenges since the announcement in January 2017 (loss of revenue $32 million in total, loss of jobs up to 2,000, including contractor jobs) radioactive spent fuel rods storage, environmental clean-up, decommissioning of the plants and re-use of the 240 acres (located in the Village of Buchanan).
  2. New York State retained a consultant through NYSERDA to address all of the above issues and filed a report in April 2018.  Implementation of consultant’s recommendations, if possible.
  3. The Town of Cortlandt retained an economic development consultant to work with town staff and Supervisor to: review possible locations for new economic growth throughout the town that will offset loss of revenue when the Indian Point’s 2 nuclear plants close (2020/2021).
  4. Work with the New York State Empire Development Agency to also assist with new commercial/corporate/industrial growth and assist with finding us grants for future infrastructure for this development.
  5. Lobby Entergy for a new PILOT for tax stabilization once the plants close since they will still own the structures, the rods and the land.  Also, lobby Holtec, the future decommissioning company.
  6. Lobby New York State and the federal government for assistance for those losing their jobs once Indian Point closes and to insist on retraining these workers to continue employment for decommissioning.
  7. Work to have the dry cask storage units (of radioactive spent fuel rods) be allowed to be assessed and taxed by the town for additional revenue until if ever removed to another site.
  8. Request that the Town be allowed to utilize funds set aside by Entergy and/or New York State for economic and infrastructure needs to offset the closure of our largest taxpayer and employer, Entergy at Indian Point.
  9. Continue to speak with other communities going through a similar situation of having a nuclear plant close or have had nuclear plants closed in past years.  This communication is helpful inorder to let us know what occurs during a decommissioning process. 
  10. Continue to speak with the NRC< DOE and federal public officials to see their assistance and to receive important information on the closure process.  (The NRC presented at our 12/19/17 local task force meting and will again in the near future).
  11. We have met and will continue to meet with Holtec, the proposed new owner of Indian Point for decommissioning.
  12. The Town of Cortlandt has established a special fund from our treasury ($100,000. each year) to offset the loss of revenue when the plants close, as well as, putting a large portion of the sales tax into this fund.


“We will continue to work with our partners in the Hendrick Hudson School District, Village of Buchanan and all others in the community to address these challenges we face with the closure of Indian Point”

~ Linda D. Puglisi, Supervisor

revised: 7/8/2019