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Lake Meahagh Update
We are aware of the health of Lake Meahagh and are taking steps to plan and implement measures to improve the viability of the lake.
On Sunday July 7, 2019, staff of the New York State Environmental Conservation completed an aquatic plant survey on Lake Meahagh. Observed were eurasion watermilfoil, curly-leaf pondweed, brittle naiad, all non-native, exotic and invasive submersed plants. The DEC does not recommend pulling or raking the eurasion watermilfoil (EWM) as by doing so causes “fragmentation” which leads to the spread of the invasive.
Algae is caused by excessive nutrients. Lake Meahagh has been listed on the DEC’s Impaired Waterbody list since 2008 (H-49a-P160), with phosphorus identified as the primary pollutant of concern. The Town sends annual mailings to residents in the watershed to educate and recommend preventative measures which can be taken.
The following steps are being taken.
- Preventative maintenance of the aeration devices currently installed in the lakebed. Simultaneously evaluate if additional devices can be installed utilizing existing compressor equipment.
- Preventative maintenance to the outlet control structure located at Kings Ferry Road. This will allow staff to continue winter drawdown lowering the lake to 50% of its volume, thereby exposing plants roots, naturally eliminating invasive plants along the shore.
- Develop and implement a treatment protocol, which may consist of natural methods, chemical, and biological controls for the remainder of the lake. Contact and work cooperatively with NYSDEC to implement these measures in the spring of 2020.
- Continue public outreach and education.
Questions. Contact Engineering at 914-734-1060.