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NRC Public Meeting
On October 2, 2019 at 6pm, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has scheduled a public meeting at the Town of Cortlandt Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567. (see below for more information).
Section 108 of the Nuclear Energy Innovation and Modernization Act (NEIMA), signed into law on January 14, 2019, requires the NRC to provide a report to Congress identifying best practices for establishing and operating local community advisory boards to foster communication and information exchange between a decommissioning licensee and the local community.
The contents of this report, scheduled to be issued to Congress by June 2020, will include:
- a description of the type of topics that could be brought before a community advisory board;
- how the board's input could inform the decision-making process of stakeholders for various decommissioning activities;
- how the board could interact with the NRC and other Federal regulatory bodies to promote dialogue between the licensee and affected stakeholders; and
- how the board could offer opportunities for public engagement throughout all phases of the decommissioning process.
The report will also include a discussion of the composition of existing community advisory boards and best practices identified during the establishment and operation of such boards, including logistical considerations, frequency of meetings, and the selection of board members.
For more information: