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Press Release - Town of Cortlandt Unveils New Marketing Video

Release Date: November 02, 2020

For Immediate Release                                                                                                               

November 2, 2020

For more information contact:

Linda D. Puglisi, Supervisor

Town of Cortlandt

(914) 734-1002    Fax: (914) 734-1003

Cortlandt Manor, NY


Town of Cortlandt Unveils Marketing Video; Cortlandt…Where life works

Building upon the momentum of a branding campaign announced this summer, Town of Cortlandt Supervisor Linda Puglisi and Town Board today unveiled the Town’s latest tool to attract business and economic development in the Town: a video. The video highlights why Cortlandt is where life works…for your business, your employees and your customers.

“Cortlandt is a hidden gem unfamiliar to many in the New York metropolitan area,” said Linda Puglisi. “This marketing campaign and this new video are designed to increase awareness among businesses, entrepreneurs, commercial developers and brokers of the terrific assets and possibilities the Town holds for them.”

The four-and-a-half-minute video will be distributed via email to commercial real estate brokers, developers and business organizations.  It will be featured on the Town’s website, the Town’s microsite ( and social media.  It will be shown at trade shows and other venues where business owners and operators are gathered.

The video offers several testimonials from Cortlandt businesses that recently located or expanded into the Town.  Those interviewed spoke of the ease of approval, the welcoming nature and the value of operating a business in Cortlandt.

The video portrays the four primary benefits to a business locating, relocating or expanding in Cortlandt.  These include the affordability of space; the educated and diverse workforce; the Town’s vibrant lifestyle; and location. It also touts the Town’s three decades of leadership in keeping property taxes low and its willingness to assist applicants through the approval process.

“The Town Board has joined me in this campaign to bring economic growth to Cortlandt”, said Supervisor Puglisi. “The benefits and potential for any business are here in our Town, we just need to get that message out to those looking to relocate or expand there business.”

Supervisor Puglisi noted that she and the Board are firmly committed to the Towns’ existing businesses, as well, and touted several initiatives taken this year to assist Cortlandt businesses adversely impacted by the COVID pandemic.

The video was produced by Emmy-nominated TV Producer Bill Powers. 

Any business interested in finding out more about Cortlandt or to receive a link to the video should contact the Town’s Economic Development Consultant, George Oros at

To view the marketing video: