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Press Release: Architectural Advisory Council (AAC)
For more information contact:
Claudia Vahey, Personnel Manager
Town of Cortlandt
(914) 734-1004 Fax: (914)734-1003
Cortlandt Manor, NY, February 1, 2021
The Town of Cortlandt is seeking volunteers to serve on the Architectural Advisory Council (AAC). The AAC advises the Town Board, Planning Board, Zoning Board and Town staff on issues relating to the built environment. The Council reviews and comments on a variety of matters referred to it but specifically the AAC provides design assistance to the Planning Board as part of the Site Development Plan and Subdivision approval process. The AAC also is required to comment on all applications for signage associated with commercial developments. The AAC generally transacts business via e-mail however they do meet occasionally with applicants and Town staff (generally in the evening) to discuss larger, more complicated projects. Appointment to the AAC is made by the Town Board. Experience in the fields of architecture, graphic design, landscape design and engineering is a plus but not a requirement.
Any interested residents should send a resume and letter of interest to Claudia Vahey, Personnel Manager, Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 or e-mail to by Monday, March 1, 2021.
Claudia Vahey
Personnel Manager