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The Closure of the Indian Point Nuclear Plants (owned by Entergy) February 2021 Update
Linda D. Puglisi, Town of Cortlandt
(914) 734-1002, Fax (914) 734-1003
February 24, 2021
The Closure of the Indian Point Nuclear Plants (owned by Entergy)
February 2021 UPDATE from Supervisor Linda Puglisi
“I want to begin with thanking my partners, Mayor Theresa Knickerbocker of the Village of Buchanan, and Hendrick Hudson School Superintendent Joseph Hochreiter for working together to first find out about the many details of closing nuclear plants and then discerning what are the challenges that we all will face and how they will affect our communities once closed in April 2021.
We first learned of the upcoming closure of the two active nuclear plants located in the Village of Buchanan and therefore in the Town of Cortlandt, as well, on January 7, 2017 four years ago.
Immediately once we recovered from this unexpected announcement from the CEO of Entergy and the New York State Governor, Andrew Cuomo, we went into action forming a local task force. Subsequently, we became members of the New York State Task Force, were interviewed by editorial boards, held many press conferences, wrote updates which were posted for our residents, traveled to Albany to testify before legislative committees regarding our fiscal, environmental and loss of jobs challenges and held many, many meetings with our local task force members to research and plan regarding the closure of these 50 year old nuclear plants.
It’s been a long journey that the three of us have embarked on together with our colleagues and community. However, it’s brought us closer together and we know working together and lobbying for resources to help us meet these challenges we will be stronger and will prevail.”
~Cortlandt Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi
A list of the challenges we face with the closure of these nuclear plants:
- Tax Revenue:
Hendrick Hudson Free Library $ 394,110. (28% of annual budget)
Verplanck Fire District $ 373,703. (64% of annual budget)
Town of Cortlandt $ 800,000. (2% of annual budget)
Village of Buchanan $3.5 million (47% of annual budget)
Westchester County $4. million (1% of annual budget)
Hendrick Hudson School District $24. million (1/3 of annual budget)
Approximately $32. Million dollar loss each year.
- Job losses – 1,000 full-time employees and contractors
- Environmental issues (near the Hudson River)
- Decommissioning/Dismantling of the plants will take 20 – 60 years, states the NRC, for the restoration of the property and the take down of the plants.
- Future development of the 240 acres at Indian Point. Once again located in Buchanan. Are portions of this property allowed to be developed earlier? We have submitted our many concerns with Entergy’s submission of Holtec to the NRC to be the new owner and therefore decommission/dismantle the three nuclear plants. I testified at the Public Hearing hosted by the NYS Public Service Commission on February 23. 2021 with our concerns and unanswered questions.
In summary, we will continue to monitor this next chapter and will always be an advocate for additional resources to offset our losses of tax revenue and good jobs. This will be a long journey that the current local officials and those in the future must continue.
Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi
Town of Cortlandt