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Press Release: Indian Point Closure Update
Linda D. Puglisi, Town of Cortlandt
(914) 734-1002, Fax (914) 734-1003
For Immediate Release:
April 15, 2021
Indian Point closure (April 30, 2021) and the MOU with Holtec voted on by the Cortlandt Supervisor and Town Board to stabilize tax revenue
The Town Board and I along with our other partners, due to the complete closure (April 30, 2021) of Indian Point (nuclear reactors) still owned by Entergy Corps, voted on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) at our public town board meeting of April 13, 2021.
This MOU is now with the new company HOLTEC, who is in the process of buying Indian Point from Entergy to become what is called the decommissioning company to dismantle the three closed reactors in the Village of Buchanan and in the Town of Cortlandt.
The dismantling process will take anywhere from 20 – 60 years, as per the NRC and the Mayor, the Town Supervisor and other members of our task force will oversee and monitor the important aspects of this dismantling project for years to come. Our major task will be to make sure it is being done safely to protect our residents and the environment.
This MOU voted on by the Town Board, the other night, will continue our PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes) in order to stabilize tax revenue we receive from Holtec as we go forward. The Town of Cortlandt will receive the amount of $809,000. in 2022 and $550,000. in 2023. The $800,000. number is what we have been receiving from Entergy in past years.
Even though the board and I had wished this extension covered more years, we made sure there was a clause allowing for future negotiations with Holtec.
We found out about the closure of Indian Point four years ago and have spent that time lobbying Entergy and now Holtec to provide tax payments and to keep jobs. Holtec will continue about one third of the jobs (300) we have been told.
In conclusion, we thank our legal team and other staff members as well as our partners (Village of Buchanan, Hendrick Hudson School district, etc.) for their work and cooperation.
Linda D. Puglisi
Town Supervisor
and Town Board