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Town of Cortlandt Staff Verplanck Residents Association Zoom Meeting
Linda D. Puglisi, Supervisor
Town of Cortlandt
(914) 734-1002, Fax (914) 734-1003
For Immediate Release: July 9, 2021
Town of Cortlandt Staff
Verplanck Residents Association Zoom Meeting
July 13, 2021, 7 pm
The purpose of this meeting is to present to the community a proposal for the development at the Quarry property in Verplanck, Town of Cortlandt, NY (owned by the Town of Cortlandt).
Christine Sisler Founder & CEO, Merchant’s Daughter Ciderworks will present the proposal to the VRA Executive Board and Town of Cortlandt representatives.
The public is welcomed to observe the meeting:
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jul 13, 2021 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: VRA Meeting July 13, 2021
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