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A Reflection on Family Vacations
In the Spring and Summer, we look forward to our family vacations. I have so many great memories of family vacations with my parents and sisters, with my two children and now with my grandsons.
So much fun, laughter, good times which included going to the ocean, to lakes, to visit my paternal grandparents in Ohio, to Disney World, Cooperstown, Niagara Falls, California and a couple of times to Europe and others over the years.
I always love the excitement of planning for the trip, developing an itinerary and what to pack and just talking to my family about the expectation of being together.
I’m sure everyone has similar fond memories and new ones to make for the future. Don’t forget the photo albums to reminisce on all of the fun and of course stored in our gallery on our cell phones now.
My daughter, Ali, her husband Tom and my grandsons, Oliver and Jeremy have been so kind to include me on many of their vacations to Cape Cod, Niagara Falls, to a lovely Connecticut beach trip and of course to Disney World. The boys were younger then and I had so much fun experiencing this wonderful destination through their eyes just as I did with my children (twins) when they were young. I might add we’re all kids when we go to Disney World!
I told you recently about a special trip my son Jeff took me to, Cooperstown, and of course I’ll never forget when he surprised me with a trip to California to attend “Dancing With the Stars”. He knew someone with the show who got us great seats.
I also had many great trips with my parents, as I mentioned, and with my sisters. Cape Cod was and is our usual vacation spot, but we’re talking about other places, as well, in future years.
In conclusion, I wanted to share with you my thoughts about family vacations and always being fortunate that I have them. I love my family very much and have been blessed!
I also say that it’s so much fun to go away for a few days or a week on family vacations but it’s always great to come home to Cortlandt, where I’ve made wonderful memories with our community and its residents.
I love Cortlandt and all of you. Enjoy each other and your families.
Thank you!
Linda Puglisi