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Public Assistance Applicant Briefing Announcement DR-4615 Remnants of Hurricane Ida
Release Date: October 13, 2021
DR-4615 Public Assistance - Update on RPA Due Dates:
Please be advised of the following Request for Public Assistance (RPA) deadlines for DR-4615 Public Assistance applicants:
- The RPA deadline for Bronx, King, Nassau, New York, Queens, Richmond, Suffolk, Sullivan, and Westchester Counties has been extended to October 26, 2021.
- The RPA deadline for Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, and Rockland is currently October 22, 2021; the state is tracking progress should an extension need to be requested.
- The Office of Disaster Recovery at DHSES has scheduled an additional virtual Applicant Briefing at 1:00 PM on Thursday, October 14, 2021, via WebEx. The Applicant Briefing provides eligible applicants with the information needed to: (a) participate in the disaster as Public Assistance applicants; and, (b) submit for reimbursement for FEMA-eligible expenditures incurred as a result of Hurricane Ida. To register for the Applicant Briefing, please click on the registration link next to your preferred date and time. Once you register for the Applicant Briefing, you will receive a confirmation with the teleconference login as well as the WebEx login. You will also receive a confirmation email with this information. The duration of the WebEx presentation should be approximately 1.5 hours, and it is followed by a question and answer period. NYS Information Technology Service WebEx Enterprise Site
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