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A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi- Plaque Dedication for our First Responders
A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi on our Plaque Dedication to pay tribute to those on the frontlines Protecting us and Saving Lives
For almost two years now, we have lived under the threat of the COVID 19 Pandemic. Anything similar was 100 years ago.
Nationwide our Country has lost over 750,000 precious lives and in Cortlandt, we have sadly lost many wonderful people, as well.
Early on, we were all responding to this severe virus that at the time there were no vaccines to counter the serious symptoms of COVID 19. That vaccine would come over one year later.
While in our local government, we were researching, learning and doing our part to keep our 200 employees safe, and to disseminate that information to our residents, families and local businesses. It was and continues to be a very difficult time in our history and it continues and now with a new variant named Omicron that has once again unanswered questions that the scientists are doing their best for us to resolve and solve.
Throughout this entire difficult period, that has made us all fearful; those on the frontlines went directly into this crisis head first as they always do to help us, to protect our families and to Save Lives without fear for their own lives.
Starting with all those working at our NY Presbyterian Hudson Valley Hospital Center: doctors, nurses, staff and of course Paramedics, EMTS, Ambulance workers, police officers – NYS and Westchester County PO, firefighters, postal workers, grocers and out town employees and our community.
We are forever grateful to all of them, men and women, for their courage compassion and dedication. They are all HEROES
This plaque that we unveiled yesterday will reflect our gratitude forever.
Thank you all and bless you.
Supervisor Linda Puglisi