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Winter Parking Notice
Pursuant to the Town Code no vehicle shall be parked on any town street or highway within the Town of Cortlandt between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 7:00 am on any day during the period beginning November 15 and ending April 15.(During the winter storm season.)
Please be advised that you could be subject to ticketing and subsequent fines should you be found in violation of the above.
It shall be unlawful to delay, hinder, or obstruct any vehicle or equipment engaged in the operation of snowplowing or snow removal on the Town highways.
After a precipitation of snow of two inches or more and thereafter until the streets are plowed clear of snow, it shall be unlawful for any persons to park any vehicle upon any town highway, unless such vehicle is attended by a person capable of operating it. The owner or person in charge of or in control of any vehicle standing or parked on any highway shall move or cause same to be moved so as not to be in the path of the equipment plowing or clearing the streets of snow.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Should you have any questions call 734-1010 (Code Enforcement Division) for further information.