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Winter Storm 1/17/2022-1/18/2022
We understand this past weekend’s storm event brought very difficult road conditions for Town Residents, and our usual response to such events was not up to our usual standards. Due to COVID, reporting staff was down to by 25% from our normal storm response operations. The Town Staff that were able to report to work, struggled to keep up with changing weather conditions—from snow to rain, and then to an ice storm.
In addition, two water main breaks occurred during the early morning hours on Watch Hill Road and Milano Court that required assistance and further reduced plow trucks on the roads. Attempts were made to get additional contractors to assist with roads and the water main repairs but unfortunately none were available to report to us. This is by no means an attempt to make excuses but more as an informational post for all.
We would like to apologize for those that were inconvenienced by the road conditions. It was indeed a perfect storm of a Monday Holiday, weather, COVID staffing issues, and water main breaks. We are already working on a backup plan to have more contractor trucks on call for all future storms and for water main repair assistance. We will also have a storm hotline call number that will report resident concerns directly to the highway department staff.
We thank you for your understanding. Stay safe
Town of Cortlandt