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Winter Storm and Sanitation Update
Good afternoon, this is the Town of Cortlandt with a winter storm update and expected sanitation cancellations.
We expect snow to start overnight tonight and continue until midday tomorrow for our area. We can expect accumulations of 3 to 6” that will end with a wintery mix of ice and sleet. The Department of Environmental Services crews will be out today pretreating roads and will be clearing roads for the duration of the event when snow begins.
Due to the nature of the storm we advise residents to limit travel, especially during early morning hours when accumulations are expected to be at their highest.
As a reminder parking is prohibited along town roads during winter months. If you have an emergency, please call 911. If you experience a loss of power please contact Con Edison at 1-800-75-coned to report your outage.
For Sanitation, Friday comingle pickup will be cancelled.
Thank you for your cooperation and please be safe.