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Milling and Paving Operations: scheduled to begin along Broadway (between 8th and 11th Street) the week of 7/27/2022
Please be advised that milling and paving operations are scheduled to begin along Broadway (between 8th and 11th Street) the week of June 27, 2022. Crews will be in the area to start prepping for the paving work on or about June 27th. Roads to milled and paved after the work on Broadway is complete will be 8th Street from Westchester Avenue to Broadway) and 2nd Street. This work is weather dependent and scheduling is subject to change.
No parking signs will be posted for the days work is to be performed along Broadway, 8th Street and 2nd Street. No parking will only be in effect for the roads being paved. We ask that you please park vehicles off the road, at least 2’ feet behind the road edge starting at 7 am the days the work is being performed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
The Road is scheduled to remain open and passable to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. However, please expect minor delays and please exercise caution getting thru the construction zone.
If garbage or recycling pick up is scheduled for your road during the days the work is being performed, we ask that you please have your garbage cans and or recycling bins at the curb by 6 am the morning of scheduled pick up.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Town of Cortlandt Engineering division at 914-734-1060.