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Milling and Paving Operations: Week of 10/24/2022

Please be advised that milling and paving operations are scheduled to begin along Oregon Road the week of October 24th. The work area will be between the Hollow Brook Golf Course Entrance and East to Root Street. This work is anticipated to take several days to complete. In addition, the work is weather dependent and scheduling may need to be adjusted.
The Road is scheduled to remain open and passable to vehicular and pedestrian traffic. However, please expect delays and please exercise caution getting thru the construction zone. If possible, please seek alternate routes during the days the work is being performed.
Residences and businesses within the work area will have access to and from the properties during the course of the days the work is being performed.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Town of Cortlandt Engineering division at 914-734-1060.
Thank you.