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Volunteers Needed for Family Fun Day: Saturday, October 28
Family Fun Day is Tomorrow Saturday, October 28th, from 3:00pm – 6:30 pm and the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Department is seeking volunteers!
Below is a breakdown of volunteer shifts and responsibilities. Group #2 is where we are most in need.
- Group #1 SET-UP: 11:30am – 2:45pm
Volunteers will help blow up balloons, set up stanchions, cover picnic tables, decorate venue. (This is typically when we need the most help.)
- Group #2 Event: 2:45 pm – 6:30pm
Hand out popcorn, cotton candy, site maps, and balloons. Help with line control at rides and attractions. Hand out glow sticks before fireworks.
- Group #3 BREAKDOWN: 7:00 pm – 9:00pm
light site clean-up, pull down flags and stanchions, pack up supplies
Volunteers will receive a t-shirt and meal vouchers to be used with our food trucks for snacks/lunch. Youth Volunteers will also receive documentation outlining their volunteer hours on letterhead.
For any questions or concerns please contact Cortlandt Deputy Director, Lesley Popkin, at To sign up, please send an email with your name and what group you are available for. If you are only available for a portion of the time allotted in a Group #, please include that in the email. Thank you!