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Exuberant Joy Artist of the Week: Esther Moskowitz
Now on view, the 2nd Annual Student Exhibition at Town Hall Exuberant Joy celebrates joy in all its forms. Viewing Esther Moskowitz’s works, Rose and Flowers, is a glimpse into the future. Both works are a prediction of the vibrant splendor that is set to emerge. With a young child’s hand, Esther records the speed of this transformation in her compositions with energetic marks. A reminder of the frenzied and wild activity occurring all around us.
“I am six years old. I like to draw and make crafts and decorate things. My favorite things to draw are rain and snow and animals.” - Esther Moskowitz
Exuberant Joy is on view at Town Hall through May 2, 2024. To inquire about this exhibition and other exhibition opportunities, please email Eren Johnson at
Oil pastel and watercolor on paper
12 x 9 inches
Oil pastel on paper
12 x 9 inches
Marker on paper
9 x 12 inches