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Exuberant Joy Artist of the Week: Evelyn Pascarella
With less than 3 weeks remaining, the 2nd Annual Student Exhibition at Town Hall Exuberant Joy celebrates joy in all its forms. Thinking about the development of young artists, color over form is the primary access point for expression. In Rainbow dots and Waviness, Evelyn Pascarella presents the viewer with masses of color and swirling brushstrokes. Her bright yellows and vibrant reds pop out from the compositions, only to be calmed by the blues and greens. Evelyn’s delight in communicating with color is readily grasped by her audience.
“My name is Evelyn and I am in first grade. I like to play hide and seek and I love to paint and draw. I like art because it is beautiful to mix colors.” - Evelyn Pascarella
Exuberant Joy is on view at Town Hall through May 2, 2024. To inquire about this exhibition and other exhibition opportunities, please email Eren Johnson at
Rainbow dots
Paint on paper
17 ½ x 12 inches
Paint on paper
17 ½ x 12 inches