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Compost Giveback, Croton Point Park, Saturday June 8th
High quality, screened compost will be available for Westchester residents on Saturday, June 8 at Croton Point Park, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Reservations are required.
Use the Compost Giveback reservation calendar to book a time slot! Please bring your email confirmation the day of the event.
The Department of Environmental Facilities (DEF) is offering this compost distribution event to residents to raise awareness of the benefits of compost, encourage residents to compost at home, and promote the County’s Residential Food Scrap and Transportation Program!
To make an appointment, residents must register and sign up for a specific time slot. Due to the limited availability of compost, residents must arrive at the specific time slot for which they registered. Individuals who have not registered, miss their time slot, or arrive too early will be turned away.
Residents who register and arrive on time will receive 2 bags of compost (about 10 gallons of compost). DEF will load the compost into your car. Our team will also provide residents with information regarding municipal composting opportunities and other Department of Environmental Facilities initiatives.
Visit the Compost Giveback reservation calendar to book a timeslot!
For any questions, reach out to or call the Recycling Help Line (914)813-5425.