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Artists Choose Artists Exhibition: John Cox and Alison Cuomo
Now on view at Town Hall the exhibition Cortlandt Artists Choose Artists explores the influence of an artist’s network on their studio practice. With this pairing Cortlandt artist, John Cox, selected Alison Cuomo, a New York City artist, as his partner. Each artist uses different processes to achieve the same effect of light radiating from the work itself. John uses custom cut squeegees to pull varying layers of paint allowing light to emanate from the background of his canvas, while Alison works with a brush carefully layering pigment on a printing press plate to achieve an eruption of light in this Monotype print.
To inquire about these or view other works by John Cox and Alison Cuomo, please visit their websites: and
Cortlandt Artists Choose Artists runs through August 1, 2024. To inquire about this or other exhibition opportunities, please email Eren Johnson at