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Cortlandt's GIS system has a new look!
We are pleased to announce that the Town's Geographic Information
System (GIS) has a new look and improved tools/information.
Working with our consultants - Full Circle Technologies, we have added easier to use tools to access parcel data, enhanced "find" tools and other features available from our online mapping system.
Please visit our GIS site by clicking on "GIS Maps"
on the left hand side of the screen.
Please note: You must have high-speed internet access to load the maps!
Disclaimer: While all efforts have been made to insure the accuracy of the information on our GIS site, no warranty either express or implied is given as to the information contained herein.
You are advised to contact our Town's Assessor's office for more
detailed parcel information at (914) 734-1040.
You are also advised to contact our Town's DOTS Code Enforcement Division
at (914) 734-1010 with respect to zoning.