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New York DEC Information: Nuisance Wildlife Species

Release Date: October 03, 2023

Nuisance Wildlife Species

Controlling Problems with Wildlife

Encounters with wildlife have become more numerous as a result of urban growth into an animal's natural habitat. Seeing an animal in the woods can be fun, but having a skunk under the porch or a woodchuck digging up your yard, is not. Information on the following pages are intended to help landowners find out how to prevent and control negative encounters with wildlife.


Resolve Wildlife Issues

Tips to Eliminate Wildlife Conflicts
Best practices for landowners to repel or control and prevent problems with unwanted animals.

Contact a Wildlife Control Operator
Find an expert near you to help with wildlife problems.

Remove or "Take" Nuisance Animals Legally
Identify if you need a permit or license to legally trap or shoot an animal on your own.


Common Problem Species

Use the links below to find information on specific wild animals that commonly cause issues at home or on your property and learn how to combat conflicts with them.




Other Helpful Resources

The following links leave DEC website: