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Quaker Bridge Update at Town Board Meeting: Tuesday, January 14th at 7PM

Release Date: January 08, 2025

Special Notice:

In November 2024 we posted the information below on the Town of Cortlandt website and on the weekly newsletter.  The Town Board and I have had a number of meetings with County Elected officials and members of the County staff.  I am pleased to announce that Westchester County Executive Ken Jenkins will be coming to Town Hall on Tuesday, January 14th at 7PM with members of his staff to answer resident questions with respect to the closure of the Quaker Bridge.  All members of the public are invited to attend to hear the new update and to ask questions.  In advance of the meeting, we are asking members of the public to submit questions in order to have the county staff review and to have the most update information.   Please send questions to supervisor@townofcortlandt.comThank you.

Information from November 2024 Newsletter:
The Town of Cortlandt was just notified that Quaker Bridge (42-66 Quaker Bridge Rd, Croton-On-Hudson, NY 10520) was "red flagged" and closed to vehicular traffic effective immediately, due to structural deficiencies. This bridge, built in 1894, was known to be structurally impaired and plans have been underway to replace it with a brand-new bridge.
The bridge is owned and maintained by the County of Westchester. The County is solely responsible for the replacement of this bridge. The County notified us today that the bridge is officially closed, as it was deemed unsafe. The County will formulate long-term plans for its replacement. However, in the meantime, alternate routes will be necessary. The County of Westchester will post these alternate routes, and the Town of Cortlandt will also publicize them, once they are made available.
As Supervisor, despite the fact that the bridge replacement is entirely controlled by the County, I will endeavor to expedite this project. The Town Board will utilize all options available to us. In addition, I have officially requested that the County consider maintaining the old bridge as a pedestrian walkway, for both its recreational uniqueness as well as the historic significance. I have been told that the cost of accomplishing this is prohibitive, but I will continue all efforts to see if this is a possibility.