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Meeting Schedules

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Cortlandt Town Board was conducted on December 4, 2001 in the Vincent F. Nyberg Meeting Room of the Cortlandt Town Hall, located at One Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY (10567) with the following elected officials and appointed staff in attendance:

ANN LINDAU Councilwoman
JOHN E. SLOAN Councilman
Also present:
THOMAS WOOD, ESQ. Town Attorney
FRAN SURAK DES, Office of the Aging
PETER McMILLAN Purchasing Director
CLAUDIA VAHEY Human Resources Dir.

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Supervisor Puglisi called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

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Councilmember Joseph Cerreto led all present in a Pledge of Allegiance.

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Michelle Jensen and her mother, Laurie, were introduced by the Supervisor. Michelle makes and sells American flag pins, then personally takes the money to ground zero to benefit widows and families of those firemen who were killed on September 11th. She has raised, to date, $2,104.00.
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Winners of the third annual Kings Ferry Halloween Scarecrow Contest were introduced and presented with Certificates of Award. Two of the scarecrows were on display in the Meeting Room, one depicting firefighters and the other the Statue of Liberty.

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On Friday, December 7th at 1:00 p.m. there will be a Pearl Harbor Day Ceremony at the Cortlandt Town Hall.

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On November 17th there was a “thank you event” honoring firefighters, policemen, paramedics, EMS workers and all emergency service workers, the community’s way of saying “thank you”.
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Brian Carey, who has completed an Eagle Scout project on tree identification throughout the McAndrews – Oscawana area, made a presentation and gave a report to the Town Clerk which will be received and filed later in the Town Board agenda. Councilmember Farrell remarked on what a pleasure it has been to work with Brian. He is developing his skills as a leader, has made presentations to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee. He has provided the people in the Town and the County with a resource that will make hiking through Oscawana Island and McAndrews Park much more enjoyable.

Supervisor Puglisi presented Brian with a Certificate of Award and congratulated him for his endeavors.
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Supervisor Puglisi said it is an honor for her to introduce Harold Reichard, of Henning Drive, Montrose, a fine role model for all of our Scouts and youth. He’s been a volunteer firefighter in Montrose for over 40 years. He has served on the Board of Commissioners for thirty years. He has chaired the Cortlandt Fire Advisory for over 12 years. 

Councilmember Ann Lindau commended Mr. Reichard for all the work he has done for the fire department.

Councilmember Farrell said he ran a terrific meeting, covering all bases and it was a pleasure to work with him.

On behalf of the Town Board, Supervisor Puglisi presented Harold with a Certificate of Recognition thanking him and recognizing all of his efforts.

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Supervisor Puglisi said two projects currently underway and close to completion are the historic Tollhouse, a regional information center, and the Steamboat River Park Pavilion, which will be formally named after another active community member, Marie Pritchard, at a ceremony to be held in the coming Spring months.

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The Town is still actively opposing the Millennium Pipeline and Supervisor Puglisi thanked the many citizens who are aiding in the task force. A rally was held this past weekend in Mt. Vernon.
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Cortlandt is insisting that one hundred per cent safety measures be in place at Indian Point’s nuclear plants – air, land and river, as well as an updated evacuation plan.

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Supervisor Puglisi extended her sympathy to the family, friends and colleagues of Jim Irish. He served as Cortlandt’s Town Engineer for twenty-seven years. He retired a few years ago, but his presence was always felt in Town Hall. The Supervisor expressed thanks for his years of dedication.
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On a roll call attendance by Town Clerk Jo-Ann Dyckman, all Town Board members indicated their presence.

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Councilwoman Ann Lindau reported on her attendance at a Senior Citizen holiday party and then wished everyone a happy holiday season.

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Councilman Frank Farrell said the pavilion at River Front Park should be completed tomorrow and it will be a nice asset for the Town. He extended his condolences to the family and friends of Jim Irish, saying he had followed in the steps of his father who had also been Town Engineer.

Councilman Farrell wished everyone a happy holiday and new year. He said, based on what he had witnessed tonight from some of the young people, he felt hope for the new year was well founded.

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Councilman Joe Cerreto gave a history of the attack on Pearl Harbor which took place on December 7, 1941 when there was a declaration of war against the United States. It occurred at 1:00 p.m. our time and that was a reason for the 1:00 p.m. start time for the Town’s recent 60th anniversary service.

He wished everyone a safe, happy holiday season.

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Minutes of the regular meeting of November 8, 2001. (No action was taken on the minutes.)

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(Complete transcripts of the following Public Hearings are on record in the Office of the Town Clerk in the Official Public Hearing Minutes Book.)

Public Hearing to consider adoption of the 2002 Budget.

Town Clerk Jo-Ann Dyckman presented the Notice of Hearing as had been published in the Official Town newspaper.

The Public Hearing was called to order at 8:25 p.m. by the Supervisor.

Supervisor Puglisi said there would be a presentation put together by Glenn Cestaro and herself which explains the particulars and details of the 2002 budget. After that time, (about 20 minutes), the floor will be opened up for questions and comments. (Video report on file Office of the Town Clerk.)

Supervisor Puglisi thanked her colleagues on the Town Board, department heads and employees for good, strong fiscal management. She especially thanked Glenn Cestaro, Comptroller, and his staff.

There was no one who wished to speak further, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:50 p.m. on motion of Councilmember Cerreto, seconded by Councilmember Lindau: ALL VOTING AYE. 

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Councilmember Cerreto then moved that the following resolution be adopted, seconded by Councilmember Lindau:

RESOLUTION NO. 338-01 – RE: Amendment to adopt changes to the 2002 Preliminary Budget.

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RESOLUTION NO. 339-01 – RE: Adopt 2002 Budget. (No tax increase.)

There was no discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Public Hearing to consider an Agreement with the Montrose Fire Department for fire protection to the Furnace Dock Fire Protection District for the year 2002.


Public Hearing to consider an Agreement with the Village of Croton-on-Hudson for fire protection to the Mt. Airy/Quaker Bridge Fire Protection District for the year 2002.

Town Clerk Jo-Ann Dyckman presented and read the Notices of Hearing for the two preceding Public Hearings as had been published in the official Town newspaper.

Supervisor Puglisi called the hearings to order at 8:50 p.m.

Since there was no one who wished to speak, the hearings were closed at 8:52 p.m. on motion made by Councilmembers Cerreto and Lindau; ALL VOTING AYE.

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Councilmember Cerreto moved for adoption of the following resolutions, seconded by Councilmember Lindau:

RESOLUTION NO. 340-01 – RE: Adopt a negative declaration in the matter of and agreement with Montrose Fire Department.

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RESOLUTION NO. 341-01 – RE: Authorize an agreement with Montrose Fire Department for fire protection to the Furnace Dock Fire Protection District for the year 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 342-01 – RE: Adopt a negative declaration in the matter of an agreement with the Village of Croton-on-Hudson for fire protection.

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RESOLUTION NO. 343-01 – RE: Authorize and agreement with the Village of Croton-on-Hudson for fire protection to the Mt. Airy/Quaker Bridge Fire Protection District for the year 2001.

There was no discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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HEARING of CITIZENS, (agenda items only)
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Councilmember Lindau moved that the following bids be received and ordered filed and the resolutions adopted, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:

Receive and file bids opened on October 29, 2001 for Craft Lane bridge repairs.

RESOLUTION NO. 344–01 – RE: Award contract for Craft Lane bridge repairs.
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Receive and file bids opened on November 20, 2001 for the Nor-West classroom renovations.
RESOLUTION NO. 345–01 – RE: Award contract for Nor-West classroom renovations.
There was no discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Farrell moved that the following monthly reports be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Sloan: ALL VOTING AYE.

October, 2001 - Purchasing, Zoning Board of Appeals, Code Enforcement, Water, 
Receiver of Taxes and Town Justices.

November, 2001 – Town Clerk.

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Councilmember Sloan moved the following items of correspondence be received and ordered filed, with amendments and resolutions adopted, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto:

Report from Recreation DES supporting the development of additional soccer fields 
for use by local youths.

DISCUSSION: Supervisor Puglisi reported that we are working with various citizens from the community on soccer fields for the near future and there will be more heard about this during 2002.
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Memo from the Conservation Advisory Council regarding previous correspondence.

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Report from the Planning Division of DOTS regarding a proposed traffic study by Ginsburg Development Corp. for Gillen property on Route 6 and Regina Avenue. 

AMENDED to authorize the following:

RESOLUTION NO. 346-01 – RE: Authorize the Planning Board and Planning Department to create the scope for further consideration by the Board.

DISCUSSION: Said he will vote “NO” on this matter since he does not like the direction in which it is headed.

A poll of the board was, as follows:

Councilmember Sloan Aye,
Councilmember Cerreto Aye,
Supervisor Puglisi Aye,
Councilwoman Lindau Aye,
Councilmember Farrell No.

The motion was declared adopted.
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Report from the Planning Division of DOTS regarding Wildlife Habitat consultants for the Planning Board.

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Report from the Planning Division of DOTS requesting the Town authorize retaining a traffic consultant for the Planning Board.

AMENDED to authorize the following;

RESOLUTION NO. 347-01 – RE: Authorize DOTS to retain a traffic consultant for three proposed developments, to be paid for by the applicants.

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Request from the Planning Division of DOTS to grant a sixty (60) day extension to the Planning Board to render a written report on the Special Permit for 36 affordable units at Springvale.

RESOLUTION NO. 348–01 – RE: Authorize a sixty day extension to the Planning Board to render a written report on the subject referral of the Special Permit for 36 affordable senior apartments at Springvale.

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Report from the Town Attorney on Town Hall security. Refer to the Town Safety Committee.

RESOLUTION NO. 349–01 – RE: Authorize the implementation of Town Employee Identification Cards.
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Reports from DES on the following referrals:

Requests forwarded from the November 13, 2001 Town Board meeting could be granted other than the property requested by the 7th Grade students. Also, the request of Martin Russo should be granted with the provision that the parcel remains as open space.
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Traffic concerns on Lower Washington Street. Will perform site visit.

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Request to dead end Galloway Lane. Does not recommend that this action be taken.

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Litter on Mt. Airy and Furnace Dock Road. DES will increase frequency of Town’s litter patrol. Route 9A is a State road and this service will not be performed.

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Various items of concern from Verplanck Residents’ Association.

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Renewed Protest and Comments of the Town of Cortlandt on the application and final environmental impact statement for the Millennium Pipeline project dated November 9, 2001 from Sive, Paget & Riesel, PC.

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Resolutions adopted by the Westchester County Board of Legislators and the Croton Harmon School Board regarding safety at the Indian Point nuclear plants.

AMENDED to also include a letter from the Village of Buchanan.

There was no additional discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Cerreto moved that the following communications be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Lindau:

Letter from Patricia Singer dated October 9, 2001 with complaints about activities at the Steamboat River Front Park Overlook. Refer, also, to the Waterfront Preservation Committee.

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Letter from Daniel Varella requesting a reduction in water and sewer main extension fees. Refer, also, to the Legal Department and DOTS.

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Memo from Councilwoman Lindau regarding a Town Policy addressing the disposal of wood chips, rocks, fill, etc. REMOVED from the agenda.

There was no discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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RESOLUTIONS, (All resolutions are to be found in full transcript affixed to the end of this document.)

Councilmember Lindau moved that the following resolutions be adopted and the item indicated be removed, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:

RESOLUTION NO. 350–01 – RE: Appoint Patricia Figa to the title Assessment Clerk in the Town Assessor’s office.

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RESOLUTION NO. 351–01 – RE: Appoint Donna D’Agostino to permanent part time status, including transcription assignments.

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Appoint Sedgewick Rechin as Animal Control/Parking Enforcement Officer in the Code Enforcement Division of DOTS. REMOVED from agenda.

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RESOLUTION NO. 352–01 – RE: Amend Resolution No. 245-01 regarding temporary reorganization of DES, (Deputies for Recreation and Highway.)

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RESOLUTION NO. 353–01 – RE: Appoint the following as laborers in the Department of Environmental Services:

Kyle Laug, Kevin McGimpsie, Michael Fitzgerald, Lenny Varella and Julio Bernal.

DISCUSSION: Supervisor Puglisi introduced the gentlemen and said they have been working in the Town for a while as seasonals. The Town is very pleased to invite them into the family of Town employees and hire them on a permanent basis.

There was no additional discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Farrell moved that the following resolutions and amendments be adopted, seconded by Councilmember Sloan:

RESOLUTION NO. 354–01 – RE: Authorize extending the seasonal appointments of Cleo Cuevas, Ken Vershoor Jr., and David Perez. Appoint Michael Rose as a new seasonal in DES.

DISCUSSION: Supervisor Puglisi welcomed the new employees and introduced those of whom were in the audience.
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RESOLUTION NO. 355–01 – RE: Appoint two seasonals from the Recreation Division of DES to monitor the Aggressive Skate Park.

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RESOLUTION NO. 356–01 – RE: Re-appoint Jim Creighton and Tino Martin as members of the PRC Advisory Board.

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Receive and file Map, Plan and Report concerning the proposed Tamarack Sewer District and schedule a Public Hearing on January 15, 2002 to consider same. Also, authorize notification to all residents with the proposed district. REMOVE and replace with the following:

RESOLUTION NO. 357-01 – RE: Schedule an informational meeting for January, 2002 regarding proposed Tamarack Sewer District.

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Authorize DOTS to award a Professional Service Agreement for engineering services on the Battery Place bridge for evaluation to identify the full scope of needed repairs including design services for all additional flags issued by New York State. (This item is included in Resolution No. 380-01 under “Additions to the Agenda.”)
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RESOLUTION NO. 358–01 – RE: Authorize the Town Attorney to commence a Declaratory Judgement Action with respect to the Battery Place Bridge.

There was no additional discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

Councilmember Sloan moved for adoption of the following resolutions, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto:

RESOLUTION NO. 359–01 – RE: Authorize an increase in the Cortlandt Consolidated Water District rates by 5% effective January 1, 2001.

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RESOLUTION NO. 360–01 – RE: Amend Resolution No. 18-01 to include the Hudson Valley Bank as one of the Town depositories.

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RESOLUTION NO. 361–01 – RE: Authorize DES to install signage for three way stop signs at the intersection of Ruth and Jack Road.

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RESOLUTION NO. 362–01 – RE: Authorize cancellation of tax liens for property known as Section 55.9, Block 2, Lot 1.

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RESOLUTION NO. 363-01 – RE: Authorize the Director of Technical Services to extend a Professional Service contract for drainage issues in the area of Westchester Avenue.

There was no additional discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Cerreto moved the following resolutions be adopted including the amendment, as indicated, seconded by Councilmember Lindau; ALL VOTING AYE

Authorize amending the budget to include GIS Utility Mapping Services. AMENDED to read, as follows:

RESOLUTION NO. 364-01 – RE: Authorize DOTS to award a contract and amend the budget with respect to GIS Utility Mapping Services.

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RESOLUTION NO. 365–01 – RE: Authorize amending the Capital Budget to include entrance improvements at the Westbrook Drive Community Center.

· * 

RESOLUTION NO. 366–01 – RE: Authorize the Planning Division of DOTS to retain an outside consultant for environmental studies at Hillpoint.

DISCUSSION: Councilmember Farrell said he does not feel the materials that were prepared by the Ginsberg Corporation in connection with their DEIS have been mined sufficiently for the information which this environmental study is meant to discover. He felt there would be some duplication. He also felt there is a report that had been commissioned for which we do not yet have the results. He feels that we can use some of the information we have at hand, rather than an additional expenditure. He said he will, therefore, vote NO.

Supervisor Puglisi respectfully disagreed with these comments saying there was a Hillpoint Task Force composed of citizens who are working in concert with an agreement we had with Westchester County and Scenic Hudson to identify wildlife at that site and she feels it important to proceed.

A poll of the board on Resolution No. 366 was, as follows:

Councilmember Sloan Yes,
Councilmember Cerreto No,
Supervisor Puglisi Yes,
Councilmember Lindau Yes,
Councilmember Farrell No.

The motion was declared adopted.
* * 

RESOLUTION NO. 367–01 – RE: Authorize a contract with Cortlandt Self Storage for storage of Town election machine for the year 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 368–01 – RE: Reschedule a public informational meeting for January, 2002 regarding the proposed Maple Avenue/Lafayette Avenue Sewer District.

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RESOLUTION NO. 369–01 – RE: Schedule the swearing in ceremony for newly elected and re-elected Town officials on January 6, 2002 at 1:00 p.m.

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RESOLUTION NO. 370–01 – RE: Direct the Code Enforcement Division of DOTS and the Legal Department to review the Town Sign Ordinance and make recommendations on possible clarifications.

There was no additional discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Lindau moved for adoption of the following, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:

RESOLUTION NO. 371–01 – RE: Adopt the Town Capital Improvement Plan for 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 372–01 – RE: Adopt the Town meeting schedule for 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 373–01 – RE: Schedule a Public Hearing to consider amending Local Law No. 3-75 and reorganize the Purchasing Department to include systems and technology duties.
* * 

RESOLUTION NO. 374–01 – RE: Authorize amendments to the 2001 budget.

There was no discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Farrell moved for adoption of the following resolutions, seconded by Councilmember Sloan:

RESOLUTION NO. 375–01 – RE: Accept a passbook in the amount of $1,000 as soil erosion security and maintenance from Cortlandt Cemetery Association.

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RESOLUTION NO. 376–01 – RE: Accept a certificate of deposit in the amount of $20,000 as soil erosion security and maintenance from the Assumption Cemetery.

There was no additional discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Sloan moved that the following items be added to the agenda, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto: ALL VOTING AYE.

Councilmember Sloan then moved that the following items be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto:

Recommendations and notices for the Town Assessor with respect to various requests to purchase Town property.
Proposal by Entergy with respect to a gas turbine generator.

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Receive and file Eagle Scout project by Brian Carey.

There was no additional discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmembers Sloan and Cerreto then moved that the following resolutions be adopted:

RESOLUTION NO. 377-01 – RE: Appoint Jane Fitzgerald in the Water Division of DOTS to the title Intermediate Account Clerk per Civil Service requirements.

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RESOLUTION NO. 378-01 – RE: Appoint Andrew Cosentino in the Tax Receiver’s Office to the title Intermediate Account Clerk per Civil Service requirements.

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RESOLUTION NO. 379-01 – RE: Order and Consent dedicating Robbie Road as a Town Highway.
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RESOLUTION NO. 380-01 – RE: Receive and file the bid opened on November 21, 2001 for “red flag” repair to the Battery Place bridge and award contract.

At the request of Councilmember Sloan, a polled vote of the board was taken on this proposal, as follows:

Councilmember Sloan No,
Councilmember Cerreto No,
Supervisor Puglisi Yes,
Councilmember Lindau Yes,
Councilmember Farrell Yes.

The motion was declared adopted.

* * 

RESOLUTION NO. 381-01 – RE: Authorize an Agreement with the Veteran’s Administration Hospital for temporary access to Battery Place, subject to certain conditions.

DISCUSSION: Councilmember Sloan asked the Town Attorney whether or not this automatically enters the Town into a lease agreement based on this vote.

A polled vote of the board was taken on this proposal, as follows:

Councilmember Sloan Yes,
Councilmember Cerreto Yes,
Supervisor Puglisi Yes,
Councilmember Lindau Yes,
Councilmember Farrell Yes.

The motion was declared adopted.
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RESOLUTION NO. 382-01 – RE: Authorize an Agreement with Coregis for Public Officials’ Liability Insurance. 

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RESOLUTION NO. 383-01 – RE: Amend the Temporary Service list.

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RESOLUTION NO. 384-01 –RE: Amend the Temporary Service list.

There was no additional discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Lindau moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:53 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Farrell.

Supervisor Puglisi said the meeting would be adjourned in memory of James Irish. 

She said, “We are all saddened by the loss of our former Town Engineer who served our community for twenty-seven years. He was a friend to us all; dedicated and brilliant Town Engineer. Jim was a loving husband, father, grandfather to eighteen grandchildren, friend and colleague to many. He will be truly missed and leaves a great void in our Cortlandt community. Our sympathies go out to his wife and family. May God bless you, Jim Irish, and thank you for your years of work and devotion to Cortlandt.”

Everyone rose for a moment of silence in Mr. Irish’s memory.

Respectfully submitted,

Town Clerk