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Meeting Schedules

A Regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandt was conducted on Thursday, November 8, 2001 in the Vincent F. Nyberg Meeting Room of the Cortlandt Town Hall, One Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY (10567) with the following elected officials and appointed staff in attendance:

ANN LINDAU Councilman
JOHN E. SLOAN Councilman
Also present:
THOMAS WOOD, ESQ. Town Attorney
FRAN SURAK DES, Office of Aging
PETER McMILLAN Purchasing Director
CLAUDIA VAHEY Human Resources Dir.

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Supervisor Puglisi called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.

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All participated in the Pledge to the Flag, led by Town Clerk Jo-Ann Dyckman.

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Poster winners who participated in the Red Ribbon Week contest were honored.
Supervisor Puglisi was joined at the podium by Colleen Anderson, Director of the Youth Center and her assistant, Dawn Mahoney.

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Supervisor Puglisi said the Veteran’s Day ceremony will be held on Monday, November 12, 2001 at 1:00 p.m. at the Michael Mongero Memorial Park, Route 6 and Locust Avenue.

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Supervisor Puglisi congratulated all the candidates who were elected or re-elected on Tuesday, November 6, 2001 and applauded all of the candidates who ran, but did not win, for their participation in an issue oriented campaign. The Supervisor then thanked all the voters of Cortlandt for their trust, support and faith in re-electing her as Supervisor. She pledged to continue to work hard, to meet all challenges which lie ahead, to protect the citizens and to always improve the quality of life.

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The total safety of the nuclear facilities at Indian Point and opposition to the Millennium gas pipeline will continue to be first and foremost on the Town’s priority list. Supervisor Puglisi said the “no fly zone” needs to be continued and the radius of miles needs to be expanded past twenty miles. We need anti-aircraft protection; the National Guard and the Coast Guard must stay. We need an immediate revised evacuation plan.

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Two skate parks were opened on October 27, 2001 offering much expanded recreational facilities in Cortlandt.

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On October 25, 2001 the Supervisor’s Budget for the year 2002 was presented and, once again, it contained no tax increase. To learn more about the details of the annual budget presentation, residents can watch Channel 49 and 15 to watch Supervisor Puglisi and Comptroller Cestaro as they discuss the budget. Also, the Budget Hearing will be conducted at the Town Board meeting of December 4, 2001.

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On a roll call attendance by Town Clerk Jo-Ann Dyckman, all councilpersons indicated their attendance.

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Councilwoman Ann Lindau thanked everyone for their vote of confidence in re-electing her and, also, everyone for their participation in the important process of voting.

In response to parking problems for Cortlandt residents at the Cortlandt Train Station, Mrs. Lindau said the Town Board will be lobbying very diligently to remedy this situation. 

The cable television franchise will soon be renegotiated and the Town will insist that discounted rates are available for the Town’s seniors.

The Recognition Event for all of our service personnel will be held on November 17, 2001 at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center at 2:00 p.m.

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Councilman John Sloan expressed his gratitude for the votes he received and, also, the team he works with. They have worked together in facing many obstacles and issues over the last four years and he looks forward to continuing this practice with honesty, fairness and wisdom.
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Councilman Frank Farrell congratulated his colleagues on the Town Board, as well as the other officials who were re-elected or elected.

He discussed the newly opened skate parks, explaining their different uses. He stressed that the parks are not attended at the present time and people using them should exercise good judgment. He particularly noted that bicycles are not to be used on the rink; safety gear should be in use, particularly helmet use at all times. 

Councilman Joe Cerreto also congratulated all of the winners in the election. He said the Veterans Day celebration will be somewhat more subdued this year given the fact that our country is at war. However, it is a very important event and he asked for as many people to attend as possible.

All veterans are invited to visit the Westchester Diner from 8 to 10 a.m.on November 12, 2001, where Mike Bennett from cable television will be doing a show and where veterans will be offered free coffee and some breakfast snacks, compliments of the Vourliotis family.

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Minutes of the regular meeting of October 16, 2001 were unanimously approved on motion made by Councilmember Sloan, approved by Councilmember Cerreto.

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HEARING of CITIZENS, (agenda items only.)
Speaker: Nick Fusco, 33 Elmore Drive, Croton-on-Hudson.
(speaking on behalf of the Soccer Club.
Subject: Compelling arguments for soccer complex with several fields.

(Supervisor Puglisi said a meeting will be held in her office on November 13 at 6:00 p.m. for further discussion of this request. Councilmember Farrell will also attend. 

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Councilmember Cerreto moved that the following monthly reports be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Lindau: ALL VOTING AYE.

September, 2001 – Purchasing Department, Water Division of DOTS, Receiver of Taxes.

October, 2001 - Town Clerk.

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Councilmember Lindau moved that the following documents be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:

Letter dated October 10, 2001 from the Westchester County Planning Board saying the Special Use Permit application by Nextel is a matter for local determination.

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Sprout Brook Ashfill Quarterly report dated October 16, 2001 from Westchester County.

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Press release from the Supervisor requesting the establishment of a task force for evaluation of security at Indian Point with a “no fly zone” and antiaircraft protection. Forward copy, also to Jeanne Romeu.

DISCUSSION: Councilmember Sloan reported that he and the Supervisor have attended a series of briefings given by various people with regard to security at Indian Point since the September 11th attack. He feels a “no-fly zone” would not be appropriate unless there is something to support it. He feels we should continue to put whatever pressure we can to add growing pressure concerned about these facilities and the fact that one does need something to intercept a plane within the last few thousand feet. Councilmember Sloan said he feels it’s better for all concerned if there is such a presence at the site with that type of interception capability.

Supervisor Puglisi reported that she and Councilwoman Lindau had attended a homeowner’s association meeting on Friday night where members of Entergy were in attendance giving their comments. She felt they are not forthcoming enough and the board would continue to apply pressure. County Executive Spano met with officials in Washington, D.C. to speak on behalf of the residents and she will ask him for a report on the knowledge that he has gathered.

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Letter from Marty DiCola asking for a “soccer only facility” for use by youth soccer participants. Refer, also to DES/Recreation and the PRC.

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Memo from DES with respect to safety concerns in the area of Croton Dam Bridge.

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Letter from the United States EPA regarding lead contamination at the Sportsman’s Center, responding to a letter from the Supervisor.

There was no additional comment: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Farrell moved the following documents be received and ordered filed, seconded by Councilmember Sloan:

Memo concerning Supervisor Puglisi’s Tentative Budget for 2002.

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Requests to purchase various parcels of Town property. Refer, also, to the Town Assessor as per Town policy according to Res. 327-99.

Properties requested by the following persons:

M. Russo, 43 Powder Horn Road.
Robert Fara, 183 Sprout Brook Road.
Joseph McGuire, 139 Eighth Street.
Robert A. Karas, 213 Hessian Hills Road.
Merrill Roth, 9 Travis Lane.
W. A. Caltagirone, 230 Watch Hill Road.
Christopher McCormack, 75 Jean Drive.

DISCUSSION: Supervisor Puglisi explained the process involved in receiving requests from residents – that they are received, filed and referred to appropriate departments at one board meeting. Reports are then received from the departments and action is taken.

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Letter from Eric Newton dated October 19, 2001 requesting a stop sign at the intersection of Ruth and Jack Roads. Refer, also, to DES.

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Letter from Peter Small dated October 21, 2001 expressing traffic safety concerns in the area of 1514 Washington Street. Refer, also, to DES.

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Letter from Lavidia Turner dated October 23, 2001 requesting the Town pave the road shoulder in the area of 116 Red Mill Road. Refer, also, to DES.

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Letter from Matthew Karabaic and Eileen Sheehy dated October 11, 2001 requesting Galloway Lane be made a dead end street. Refer, also, to DES.

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E-mail from C. Kireakedes dated October 5, 2001 with road and drainage concerns on Carpenter Avenue. Refer, also, to DOTS and DES.

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Letter from Jeanne Romeu dated October 22, 2001 requesting a “no fly zone” over Indian Point and asking for remedy to litter on Mt. Airy Road, Route 9A and Furnace Dock Road. Refer, also, to DES.

There was no additional discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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(All resolutions adopted at this Town Board meeting are to be found affixed to the end of this document.)

Councilmember Sloan moved that the following resolutions be adopted and those indicated be removed. Councilmember Cerreto seconded the motion.

RESOLUTION NO. 319–01 – RE: Appoint Fran Surak as the Director of the Office for Aging, a division of DES.

DISCUSSION: Supervisor Puglisi introduced Mrs. Surak who has worked in this capacity in the same field and will be constantly be improving the services we provide our senior citizens.
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RESOLUTION NO. 320–01 – RE: Appoint Dawn Mahoney as Senior Recreation Leader in the Office for Aging to fill a vacancy.

DISCUSSION: Dawn Mahoney, who was always introduced, will serve as assistant to Fran Surak, where she will be a tremendous asset.

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RESOLUTION NO. 321–01 – RE: Appoint Janice LaFave as Intermediate Clerk/Typist in the Recreation division of DES to fill a vacancy.

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Appoint Patricia Figa to the title Assessment Clerk in the Town Assessor’s office.
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RESOLUTION NO. 322-01 – RE: Appoint Paul Buckhout as Chairman of the Save Our Lakes, Ponds and Streams Committee.

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Receive and file map, plan and report for the proposed Tamarack Sewer District and schedule a public hearing on December 4, 2001 to consider its establishment, including notification to all residents within the proposed district. (REMOVED)

DISCUSSION: This item will be expedited. However, more information from our consultants is necessary and is forthcoming. 

There was no additional discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Cerreto moved to adopt the following resolutions, seconded by Councilmember Lindau:

RESOLUTION NO. 323-01 – RE: Schedule a public hearing to be held December 4, 2001 to receive and file and consider the Tentative Budget for 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 324-01 – RE: Consider an agreement with the Montrose Fire Department for fire protection to the Furnace Dock Fire Protection District for 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 325-01 – RE: Consider an agreement with the Village of Croton-on-Hudson for fire protection to the Mt. Airy/Quaker Bridge Fire Protection District for 2002.

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RESOLUTION NO. 326-01 – RE: Schedule a public hearing for the January, 2002 Town Board meeting to consider an application from Nextel for a wireless facility on an existing Con Edison tower located on Furnace Dock Road.

There was no discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Lindau moved that the following item be removed from the agenda, seconded by Councilmember Farrell: 

Schedule a Special Town Board meeting for November 26, 2001 to consider the following: (REMOVED)

a) Authorize DOTS to award a contract to GIS Utility Mapping Services.
b) Authorize the DOTS Director to seek RFPs for entrance improvements at the Westbrook Drive Community Center.
c) Receive and file bids opened on October 29, 2001 for Craft Lane bridge repair and award contract.
d) Receive and file bids to be opened on November 21, 2001 for the first Battery Place bridge repair. Award contract.

Supervisor Puglisi said these items would be added to the agenda for the December 4, 2001 Town Board meeting.

There was no additional discussion; ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Farrell then moved that the following resolutions be adopted, seconded by Councilmember Sloan:
RESOLUTION NO. 327-01 – RE: Schedule an informal meeting for Tuesday, December 11, 2001 for the residents of the proposed Maple Avenue/Lafayette Sewer District.

DISCUSSION: Supervisor Puglisi asked Ed Vergano to be certain that all the people in the proposed sewer district be notified. 
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RESOLUTION NO. 328-01 – RE: Authorize the release of Tyree Organization, LTD as the general contractor for the Tollhouse restoration. Authorize a contract with Marquise Construction Corporation.

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RESOLUTION NO. 329-01 – RE: Authorize removal of a concrete apron and curb at the Cortlandt Volunteer Ambulance Corporation (CCVAC) property in Montrose.

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RESOLUTION NO. 330-01 – RE: Authorize a budget amendment for the Steamboat Riverfront Park and Brownfield reclamation.

There was no additional discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

Councilmember Sloan moved that the following resolutions be adopted, seconded by Councilmember Cerreto:

RESOLUTION NO. 331-01 – RE: Authorize a budget amendment in the Department of Technical Services for consultant services.

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RESOLUTION NO. 332-01 – RE: Authorize partial funding of an additional ALS vehicle.

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RESOLUTION NO. 333-01 – RE: Authorize the Verplanck Pedestrian Trail as prepared by DOTS and the Engineering Consultant.

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RESOLUTION NO. 334-01 – RE: Authorize any pre-existing encroachment onto the Town right-of-way in Verplanck to continue.

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RESOLUTION NO. 335-01 –RE: Award Bid #01-34 to Castle Power LLC for the purchase of natural gas for Cortlandt Town Hall and Annex.

There was no discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmembers Cerreto and Lindau moved that the following items of business be added to the agenda, authorized to be received and filed, and the resolution adopted: ALL VOTING AYE.

Letter from Tony Testa of EnviroEnergetics dated November 5, 2001 regarding alternate energy sources.

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Letter from the Verplanck Residents Association dated October 19, 2001 with respect to the trailer park property and general park maintenance. Refer, also, to the Legal Department and DES.

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RESOLUTION NO. 336-01 – RE: Authorize an Order and Consent for the dedication of Flanders Lane as a Town Highway.

There was no discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Councilmember Lindau moved for adoption of the following resolution, seconded by Councilmember Farrell:

RESOLUTION NO. 337-01 – RE: Authorize budget transfers.

DISCUSSION: Comptroller Glenn Cestaro discussed the budget transfers, documentation of which is attached to the original copy of the resolution.

There was no further discussion: ALL VOTED AYE.

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Ed Vergano reported that the pavilion for Steamboat River Front Park is scheduled to be delivered later this month and should be ready shortly after delivery. It takes about five days to put together.

Councilmember Farrell said the contractor who is doing the work has performed quite adequately, however the vendor from whom we’re purchasing the building has let the Town down significantly. He had promised an early October delivery and it now is promised for the third week in November.

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Supervisor Puglisi said the residents of Trolley Road off Red Mill Road have been notified that the resurfacing and apron work on their roadway scheduled in the 2001 Repaving Program will be done this year.

Ed Vergano said the prep work will take place on November 9th.

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Councilmember Farrell moved that the meeting be adjourned at 8:20 p.m., seconded by Councilmember Sloan.

Supervisor Puglisi stated that the meeting would be adjourned in memory of Joan Welch, who had served as her Confidential Secretary for ten years and had served five other Town Supervisors. She dedicated herself to the Cortlandt community and was very active in the skating program for many years.

Respectfully submitted,

Town Clerk