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Planning Board Public Hearing/Lakeview Estates
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the PLANNING BOARD of the TOWN OF CORTLANDT will conduct an Adjourned Public Hearing (from November 5, 2003) on the application and Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) submitted by Peter Praeger of Mount Airy Associates for Preliminary Plat Approval for an 11 lot residential subdivision pursuant to Chapter 265 (Subdivision of Land) of the Town of Cortlandt Code and for Permits pursuant to Chapter 179 (Freshwater Wetlands), Chapter 259 (Steep Slopes) and Chapter 283 (Trees) of the Town of Cortlandt Code.
The subject property of 48.7 acres is located on the northerly end of McGuire Lane and is designated on the Town of Cortlandt Tax Maps as Section 56.17, Block 1, Lot 18.
Persons may review said DEIS, application and drawings at the Planning Office, Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. A limited number of copies of the DEIS are available on a loan basis.
SAID ADJOURNED PUBLIC HEARING will be conducted in the Vincent F. Nyberg General Meeting Room at the Cortlandt Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York, on Wednesday evening, January 7, 2004 at 8:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible at which time all interested persons will be heard.
The Town Hall is handicapped accessible.
Dated: December 16, 2003
Steven Kessler Chairman
Cortlandt Manor, New York
PB 1-88