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Legal Notice/Contractor’s Yard
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Town Board of the Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York will conduct a PUBLIC HEARING on Tuesday, May 11, 2004 at 7:30 p.m. Prevailing Time, or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Vincent F. Nyberg General Meeting Room located in the Town Hall at One Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York, (10567) to receive public comment on a proposed resolution to amend Chapter 307 of the Town Code (Zoning Ordinance) with respect to “Contractor’s Yard”; to wit:
CONTRACTOR'S YARD: Any space, whether inside or outside a building on a parcel of land, used for the storage or keeping of construction supplies, materials, equipment, machinery or vehicles or parts thereof, whether they are in operable or inoperable condition or in active or inactive use by a person or other entity.
CONTRACTOR'S YARD IN A RESIDENTIAL ZONE: Any space in a residential Zoning District, whether inside or outside a building, used for the storage or keeping of construction supplies, materials, equipment, machinery or vehicles or parts thereof, whether they are in operable or inoperable condition or in active or inactive use by a person or other entity subject to the following;
(1) Such space, if less than a total of 100 square feet if contiguous and/or in
aggregate on a parcel of land in a residential zone, would not be
considered a contractor's yard.
(2) Such space if greater than a total of 100 square feet if contiguous and/or
in aggregate on a parcel of land in a residential zone is prohibited unless the storage or keeping is in connection with an unexpired building permit.
(3) Fully enclosed vehicles or materials are acceptable up to 400 feet square
feet with no side dimension greater than 20 feet, and no height dimension
greater than 14 feet.
(4) As defined herein existing contractor's yards in residential zones shall be
removed within one year of the effective date of this amendment.
(5) The "storage or keeping" of construction supplies and materials shall not
exceed six (6) feet in height and be maintained in a safe and secure
condition and location.
(6) Such storage area is restricted to the side and/or rear yard on a parcel of
All persons interested in this proposed action will be heard at the time, date and place specified above, and written comments in regard thereto should be submitted to the Town Clerk, in writing, no later than 4:00 p.m. May 10, 2004 to be included in the transcript of the proceedings of this hearing.
The Town Hall is a handicapped accessible facility.
DATED: April 27, 2004
Town of