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Planning Board Public Hearing - PB 11-13 Children of America

Release Date: July 24, 2013

      PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the PLANNING BOARD of the TOWN OF CORTLANDT will conduct a Public Hearing pursuant to Chapter 307 (Zoning) of the Town of Cortlandt Code on the application of Children of America Educational Childcare & Academy, for the property of Acadia Realty Trust, for Amended Site Development Plan Approval and a Change of Use from retail to a childcare center to occupy approximately 20,000 square feet of space in Building D at the Cortlandt Town Center (former Levitz tenant space) as shown on a 3 page set of drawings entitled “Proposed Children of America at Cortlandt Town Center” prepared by Amara Associates, LLC latest revision dated June 18, 2013.
            The proposed childcare center is located in existing Building “D” at the Cortlandt Town Center Shopping Center at 3105 East Main Street (Cortlandt Boulevard).  The proposal is to convert approximately 20,000 sq. ft. of tenant space to an educational and childcare academy and for an approximately 10,000 sq. ft. outdoor play area.  The entire parcel is approximately 60.52 acres, is zoned CD, Designed Commercial and is designated on the Town of Cortlandt Tax Maps as Section 24.10 Block 1, Lot 1.
            Pursuant to 6 NYCRR Part 617 of the State Environmental Quality Review Regulations the subject application is an unlisted action for which Part One of the Short Environmental Assessment Form was submitted.
      Persons may review said application and drawings at the Planning Office in the Cortlandt Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York, between the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, except holidays. 
            SAID HEARING will be conducted in the Vincent F. Nyberg General Meeting Room at the Cortlandt Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York on Tuesday evening, August 6, 2013 at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible at which time all interested persons will be heard.

Dated: July 22, 2013                                                                        Loretta Taylor
Cortlandt Manor, New York                                                           Chairperson
PB 11-13