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Important Information regarding the Spectra Hudson River Pullback Plan

Linda D. Puglisi, Town of Cortlandt
(914) 734-1002, Fax (914) 734-1003
September 2, 2016
Spectra Energy A.I.M. Construction Project
Recent work in the area of Verplanck, NY
September 2, 2016
I am frustrated with the Spectra (A.I.M.) project as are our Cortlandt residents. As you will see from the link, we fought this project for three years. We have no jurisdiction over any of the work being performed. It was all approved by F.E.R.C. In light of what occurred last evening in Verplanck, I once again made an official complaint to FERC and Spectra. I have reported all of our concerns and issues to F.E.R.C. today and have requested NO more nighttime hammering and that improved notification to our residents must occur. Attached is the letter that was filed by Spectra with respect to the anticipated construction schedule and noise contingency plan for its work at the Horizontal Directional Drill of the Hudson River. This document was filed by Spectra on the F.E.R.C. website this afternoon.
Also, here is a link explaining our efforts we made to oppose the expansion of the Spectra pipeline over the past several years . This project was approved by F.E.R.C. the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission which is a United States Federal Agency in March 2015. F.E.R.C. supersedes all local governments.
- The Spectra Hotline Number for Homeowners is 1-866-873-2579.
- The F.E.R.C. Customer Service number is 1-866-208-3372 – FERC Document Number CP-14-96.
- The F.E.R.C. Landowner Hotline is 1-877-337-2237.
I encourage our residents to file their complaints.
Linda D. Puglisi
Town Supervisor