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A Message from Town Supervisor Linda Puglisi, 6/26/20

Release Date: June 26, 2020

A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

June 26, 2020

Hello this is Linda Puglisi and thank you for letting me come into your homes for a few moments. This will be my last weekly message, it’s the 14th week, almost four months of this PAUSE in our lives due to the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s been a long time and our lives have certainly changed. At times I’m sure you will agree that it seemed endless with no end in sight.  However, now we’ve entered the third phase of re-entry out of the four phases, which will be around July 7th according to the Governor. We along with you have followed these guidelines for the entire four months and fortunately all the indicators and numbers have gone down thankfully in our area. As we’ve seen in other parts of the  country who opened earlier, they are now experiencing higher numbers of COVID-19 cases. We do not want that to occur in our area, so please continue to wear a mask, social distance, and to remain cautious . It is not over yet and we still need to take these precautions.

From the beginning, the purpose of my messages was to connect us all, to give you information, and to remind everyone that we are going through this very serious health situation together. The Cortlandt community is a large family and when one person is in need or is hurting, we are all there to assist and we all care. When we began this unprecedented journey, winter was just ending, then came the spring season and now summer has begun. A long  time for our families, especially for our children and our seniors.

I’m pleased to tell you everyone in our town government has worked hard to provide the essential and other services, to post information on COVID-19, to contribute to food drives and food pantries, to assist our local businesses and now as they re-open, as well.

I want to thank you for reaching out to your neighbors , friends and to our seniors  to help them when needed. We are a very kind, caring and generous community. And now special thanks to our HEROS. We are so grateful for those on the front-lines: doctors, nurses, all the hospital and nursing home workers and to all the healthcare providers. Thanks to our emergency  services, the men and women, who are there to protect us, thank you to the grocers and the stores, to our local delis and restuarants for their take-out services. Once again, a thank you to our town employees, who had to go through many changes during this PAUSE. To my colleagues on the Town Board for their support, this was so helpful to me as we navigated our way through this pandemic and made decisions along the way to protect our community and our families.

My personal thanks to all of our residents, families and to our children for their strength and understanding. I’m sure parents and grandparents, your remarkable children helped you get through this. I know mine did for me. Enjoy the upcoming July 4th holiday, go to our many parks and trails, and please wear the mask. All of our playgrounds, the Dog Park off of Sprout Brook Road are now re-opened. Miniature golf (no fees) will soon open at the Cook Park area.

There are many youth and senior activities planned by our Recreation Department. Check our website for the schedule. Don’t forget our first free drive-in movie at the Cortlandt Train Station’s lower level. The date is Saturday, July 11th and rain-date the 18th, contact Recreation to secure a spot. In closing, thank you so much for allowing me to give you these messages each week. I hope they have been helpful, I know they helped me. Please remain safe and cautious as we heal together. I end with it is such an honor to be Cortlandt’s Supervisor. I truly love our community and all of you, thank you.