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Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi commenting to the NYS PSC regarding utility power outages.

Release Date: October 14, 2020

October 14, 2020

Today I had a phone call from the NYS Public Service Commission to discuss our ongoing problems and slow responses during hurricanes, blizzards, and the most recent Tropical Storm Isaias by utility companies. During this recent storm one third of our large town was without power and internet services for 6 to 9 days.

I protested the lack of responsiveness from the utility companies during the storms this past August as I have during the many past power outages over the years. I was assured by the PSC that my comments on behalf of our community were heard and will be noted in their investigatory report coming out in the next month or so this year.

I will continue to fight for our residents and local businesses as Town Supervisor.

Thank you,

Linda Puglisi