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A Message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

Release Date: December 19, 2020

A message from Supervisor Linda Puglisi

Hello, this is Supervisor Linda Puglisi with an end of the year message.

2020 has been a very difficult year due to the Covid-19 virus, which is still with us and will be until the approved vaccines are made available to everyone in 2021.

There has been a spike recently in the number of positive cases in our State, County and Community. Therefore, I ask you all to stay safe, wear the masks, continue to practice social distancing and remain vigilant until the virus is checked through the distribution of the vaccines in 2021 to the general public.

We’ve had over 1,400 positive cases during these past 10 months and sadly we’ve lost over 100 precious lives due to Covid. Continue to go to our website for updates on Covid and on other important government matters.

I know everyone is so exhausted about the Pandemic and virus, I am too. I congratulate you all on your patience, cooperation and for helping others in need. We are all grateful to those on the frontlines who have taken care of us and put themselves in harms way in order to care for us, our families and for our neighbors. They are true HEROES!

Our town government and all of our services have continued this year for you and your families. I thank our employees who are all dedicated to assisting our residents.

I am hopeful that our town pool will open on time next year with our new bathhouse. Also, I’m planning with staff already for the many events to go forward for example; Cortlandt Family Fun Day, Halloween parties and Winter Wonderland as well as our summer camps. All had to be cancelled in 2020 to keep everyone safe from the virus.

Our Cortlandt residents have been so resilient, kind, generous, giving and compassionate during these difficult times. That is who we are and what we do in our community.

In conclusion, once again thank you all. We have such a great community. I’ve been blessed to be Supervisor all these years and will be for one more year. I’ll be retiring at the end of 2021 after 30 great years. Together we’ll make 2021 our Best Ever.

Have a wonderful and joyous holiday season. Please stay safe and as always I love Cortlandt and all of you! Thank you!