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Key Studies and Plans throughout the years of this administration (1992-2021)

Release Date: December 29, 2020

“This report is a part of a series I’ll be doing this year to inform our community of the progress and accomplishments during this Administration since I’ve been Cortlandt Town Supervisor (30 years- 1992-2021). I hope you find them informative and interesting. Thank you.”

-Linda Puglisi

Key Studies and Plans throughout the years of this administration (1992-2021)

  • 3 Master Plans completed- Each are 10 year guides for a town government
  • Cortlandt Train Stations (lobbied Metro North for our new Cortlandt train stations)
  • ZORP (Zoning Ordinance Review Plans)- to review our zoning town wide
  • Croton River Unique Area- to assist with safety and environmental issues
  • Various Moratoriums including townwide while we reviewed planning and zoning issues along Route 6, 9A, 202
  • Hamlet of Verplanck Waterfront Study and Plans (VEP and several throughout the years and currently)
  • Montrose Enhancement Plan (MEP) and current Montrose Area Study
  • Police Plans for our town- 1990’s and current (with the County and State Police Departments)
  • Indian Brook Watershed study with other municipalities including Croton, Ossining and New Castle
  • Shared Services planning to meet mandates, to be efficient and to save taxpayers money. We were leaders in sharing services early on.
  • Historic Roads and Walls Reviews and ordinances
  • ALS/Paramedics Study (which resulted in our current Cortlandt Regional Paramedics)
  • Many traffic studies in key areas of town and ongoing
  • Economic Development Task Forces and studies over the years to assist our local businesses and to also bring in new businesses
  • Formed the Northern Tier Coalition for Recycling to meet a state mandate in 1992
  • Lakes/Ponds/Streams Study to protect our waterbodies, biodiversity and wildlife plans
  • MOD (Medically Oriented District)/TOD (Transit-Oriented District) –both still pending and were Master Plan recommendations
  • LWRP (Local Waterfront Revitalization Program) with the Village of Buchanan- properties along the Hudson River
  • Various Biodiversity studies townwide
  • The two outdated emery mines- which resulted in them closing (off Croton Ave and Colabough Pond Rd.) to preserve the quality of life in residential neighborhoods
  • Aaron Copland Preservation Homestead Committee which preserved his homestead for aspiring musicians (He lived in Cortlandt for the last 30 years of his life)
  • Recreation projects and events which resulted in many with our Recreation Board and Department
  • A charrette/committee for the now current Hollow Brook Golf Course (originally 3 options by the developer the golf course was by far the BEST)
  • REP (Roundabout study a work in progress for northern Cortlandt)
  • Northern Westchester Water Works Committee which concluded with our water works plant(s) to filter our water and to meet an EPA mandate. I’m a member of the Executive Committee.
  • GIS (Geographic Information Systems Planning)
  • Several Realtors forums (to show what Cortlandt has to offer and our brand, “Where Life Works”
  • Planning for Veterans, Seniors and our Youth to address their issues and needs
  • And many more…

“I have chaired, coordinated, established and presided over all of these studies, plans, task forces or committees in order to address issues in our community and to plan for improvements to enhance our quality of life in Cortlandt.”

-Supervisor Linda Puglisi