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Covid-19: One Year Later Report from Supervisor Linda Puglisi
One Year Later Report from Supervisor Linda Puglisi
January 2021
One year ago, we were just learning about coronavirus 19 (Covid) a PANDEMIC. A word that we only read about in history books. What occurred over the past 12 months has been surreal, unbelievable and tragic. So many people have lost their lives and so many others became infected with Covid in our nation, state and region. We had to change our lives in order to be safe and survive.
We will be forever grateful to those who took care of us and provided essential services. They have been on the frontline and are true HEROES – from doctors, nurses, to grocers, emergency service providers and so many others. I want to also thank our town government workers who have been dedicated to make sure all of our important services continued.
Thank you to our children who had their lives and schooling activities change to keep them safe. Our Seniors couldn’t engage in their events and outings and also had to remain home as we were told they were the most vulnerable to this horrific virus.
So finally, a vaccine was developed by the amazing scientists. We are forever grateful to them, as well.
One year later we have come together in our Cortlandt community to help one another, to adapt to what we had to do to keep our families and ourselves safe, and continue to have HOPE that we will prevail and return to our lives and way of life that we cherish. However, we will never forget how fragile life can be and we’ll never take even the smallest things for granted.
Someday in the near and far future we will read about the Pandemic of 2020 and never forget and always remember how truly blessed we are to be on life’s journey together.
Thank you all and continue to stay safe.
Linda D. Puglisi
Town of Cortlandt