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Planning Board Special Meeting 9/9/21: Hudson Wellness
PB 6-15 Application of Hudson Ridge Wellness Center, Inc. for Site Development Plan approval and a Special Permit for a hospital to be located at the former Hudson Institute property to provide a New York State Office of Addiction Services and Support (OASAS) certified 92-bed facility to treat individuals with chemical dependency issues located at 2016 Quaker Ridge. Drawings latest revision dated March 20, 2019.
Due to concerns regarding the ongoing Covid-19 Pandemic, the limited capacity of the Nyberg Meeting Room at Town Hall due to social distancing requirements and the fact that there are 4 other public hearings, which are expected to generate significant public comment, scheduled for the Tuesday August 31, 2021 meeting the Planning Board, in consultation with appropriate Town staff, has determined that it is in the best interest of the applicant and the public to adjourn the Public Hearing on PB 6-15 Hudson Wellness to a Special Meeting. The Special Meeting will be held on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. at the Muriel Morabito Senior Center located at 29 Westbrook Drive. The Morabito Center is a larger venue in which to hold the public hearing. The continuation of the Hudson Wellness Public Hearing will be the only item on the agenda.
The Planning Board will not be entertaining public comment on the Hudson Wellness case on 8/31/21.
Please contact the Town Planning Division at 914-734-1081 if you have questions or need additional information.