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Exuberant Joy Artist of the Week: Imogen Sewell

Release Date: February 29, 2024

Recently opened, the 2nd Annual Student Exhibition at Town Hall Exuberant Joy celebrates joy in all its forms. The creative expressions of children often depict the real or imagined things, people, or places that bring them joy. For Imogen Sewell, it is puppies. Centered as icons in her compositions, Imogen’s puppies are pure joy.  Lovingly rendered, Imogen carefully illustrates the spot pattern in Dalmatian, Arfie’s shaggy coat and the twinkle in both their eyes.

“My name is Imogen and I am in First Grade. I like making all kinds of art. I made these paintings because I think puppies bring joy.”

Exuberant Joy is on view at Town Hall now through May 2, 2024. To inquire about this exhibition or other exhibition opportunities, please email Eren Johnson at



Acrylic on canvas             

20 X 16 inches




Acrylic on canvas             

20 x 16 inches