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Pattern For Progress Presentation: October 28, 2024 at 6PM
Please join us Monday evening, October 28, 2024 at 6 PM for our Town Board Work Session at Town Hall (Nyberg meeting room), where members from all of our Boards (Town Board, Zoning and Planning, etc.) will hear a presentation by Adam Bosch, CEO of HV Pattern for Progress. This talk will provide an overview of the population changes occurring throughout the Hudson Valley. It will help us plan for the future of our town. The public is welcome. Please RSVP to:
Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress
Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress is a nonprofit organization that provides objective research, planning, and educational training throughout the region. Its work identifies civic challenges and promotes regional, equitable, and sustainable solutions to constantly improve the quality of life in Hudson Valley communities. Pattern develops its work upon a considerable foundation of facts and experience, without political aims or affiliations.
Building Consensus Through Collaboration
When business and academic leaders founded Pattern in 1965, their goal was to build consensus for a pattern of growth that will ensure a high quality of life for the nine county Mid-Hudson Valley Region. The work plan included the protection of the natural environment, taking from it only those resources needed to promote economic prosperity, and providing adequate opportunities and incentives for capital formation and meaningful, gainful employment.